SECTION 03700 MASS CONCRETEREFERENCES -37000006REFERENCES (cont.) -37000007REFERENCES (cont.) -37000008UNIT PRICES -37000009Concrete in BlockoutsGround Granulated Blast-Furnace SlagHigh-Range Water-Reducing Admixture (HRWR)GOVERNMENT TESTING AND STUDIES -37000013Cementitious Materials, Admixtures, and Curing MaterialsConstruction Testing by the Government -37000015Cementitious Materials -37000016Pozzolan from Nonprequalified SourcesTOLERANCES FOR FOUNDATIONS -37000018TOLERANCES FOR CAST-IN-PLACE REINFORCED CONCRETE FOR BUILDINGS -37000019TOLERANCE FOR FINISHED FORMED CONCRETE SURFACES -37000020TOLERANCES FOR CAST-IN-PLACE, VERTICALLY SLIPFORMED BUILDING ELEMENTS -37000021TOLERANCES FOR MASS CONCRETE STRUCTURES OTHER THAN BUILDINGS -37000022TOLERANCES FOR CANAL LININGTOLERANCES FOR BRIDGES, EROSION-PROTECTION STRUCTURES, AND SMALL HYDRAULIC STRUCTURES -37000024TOLERANCES FOR FOUNDATIONS -37000025TOLERANCES FOR CAST-IN-PLACE REINFORCED CONCRETE FOR BUILDINGS -37000026TOLERANCE FOR FINISHED FORMED CONCRETE SURFACES -37000027TOLERANCES FOR CAST-IN-PLACE, VERTICALLY SLIPFORMED BUILDING ELEMENTS -37000028TOLERANCES FOR MASS CONCRETE STRUCTURES OTHER THAN BUILDINGS -37000029TOLERANCES FOR BRIDGES, EROSION-PROTECTION STRUCTURES, AND SMALL HYDRAULIC STRUCTURES -37000030TOLERANCES FOR TUNNEL LININGS, CONDUITS, AND FILLING AND EMPTYING CULVERTSSUBMITTALS -37000032SUBMITTALS (cont.) -37000033MATERIAL DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLINGMATERIALS -37000035Admixtures -37000036Curing MaterialsAggregates -37000038GradingPERCENT BY WEIGHT PASSING INDIVIDUAL SIEVESCommercial Concrete Aggregate SourcesGovernment Furnished Concrete Aggregate SourceMIXTURE PROPORTIONING -37000043Nominal Maximum-Size of AggregateEQUIPMENT -37000045Batch Plant -37000046Batching Equipment -37000047Batching Equipment (cont.)Laboratory Areas -37000049Plant Layout DrawingsStationary Mixer Uniformity RequirementsSampling Facilities -37000052Coarse Aggregate -37000053Transporting Equipment -37000054PREPARATION FOR PLACING -37000055Embedded Items -37000056Air-Water Cutting -37000057TRANSPORTING AND PLACINGTime Interval Between Mixing and PlacingConcrete LiftsFINISHING -37000061Broom FinishClasses A, A-HV, & B FinishesMaterial and Procedure for RepairsCURING AND PROTECTION -37000065Membrane CuringSheet CuringCold Weather ProtectionBASE PLATES AND BEARING PLATESTESTS AND INSPECTIONS -37000070Testing and Inspection Requirements -37000071Coarse Aggregate -37000072Quality of Aggregates -37000073Scales -37000074Batch-Plant Control -37000075Inspection Before Placing -37000076Vibrators -37000077Cold Weather Protection and Sealed Insulation CuringMixer Uniformity Corrective Action -3700007903700