Vertical alignment
For heights 100 feet
Lines, surfaces, and arrises .......................... 1 in.
Outside corner of exposed corner columns
and control joint grooves in concrete
exposed to view ..................................... 1/2 in.
For heights greater than 100 ft
Lines, surfaces, and arrises, 1/1,000 times
the height at any point but not more than ............. 6 in.
Outside corner of exposed corner columns and
control joint grooves in concrete, 1/2,000
times the height at any point but not
more than ............................................. 3 in.
Lateral alignment
Members .................................................... 1 in.
In slabs, centerline location of openings
12 in. or smaller and edge
location of larger openings .............................. 1/2 in.
Sawcuts, joints, and weakened plane
embedment in slabs ....................................... 3/4 in.
Level alignment
Top of slabs
Elevation of slabs-on-grade ......................... 3/4 in.
Elevation of top surfaces of formed slabs
before removal of supporting shores ................. 3/4 in.
Elevation of formed surfaces before removal
of shores ................................................ 3/4 in.
Lintels, sills, parapets, horizontal grooves,
and other lines exposed to view .......................... 1/2 in.
Cross-sectional dimensions
Members, such as columns, beams, piers, walls
(thickness only) and slabs (thickness only)
12 in. dimension
or less ............................................ +3/8 in.
............................................ -1/4 in.
More than 12 in.
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