[Unit of Measure
Unit of measure: kilograms hundredweight (100 pounds).]
[Silica Fume, Slurry]
Payment will be made for costs associated with silica fume, slurry, which
includes the cost of silica fume, slurry; providing admixtures such as HRWR
admixtures that are a component of the slurry; and furnishing storage,
batching, and recording equipment for silica fume, slurry, used in the
concrete bid items. Payment for silica fume, slurry, will be made at the
contract price per hundredweight of dry silica fume for:
"Bid Item [_____]a., first [_____] kilograms hundredweight."
"Bid Item [_____]b., all over [_____] kilograms hundredweight.]
Silica fume, slurry, will be measured for payment based upon the number of
kilograms hundredweight of silica fume used in the concrete, excluding the
amount wasted or used for the convenience of the Contractor. The quantity
to be paid for will be determined by multiplying the weight in kilograms
pounds of silica fume per cubic meter yard by the number of cubic meters
yards of silica fume concrete placed within the pay lines of the structure
as determined in accordance with the concrete bid items , divided by 100.
The dry weight will be determined by supplier's certificate.]
[Unit of Measure
Unit of measure: kilograms hundredweight (100 pounds).]
Preconstruction Testing and Mixture-Proportioning Studies
NOTE: Contact the Engineer Research and Development
Center, 3909 Halls Ferry Road, Vicksburg,
Mississippi 39180-6199, ATTN: CEERD-SC for guidance
in filling in the blanks.
The aggregate sources listed in paragraph MATERIAL SPECIFICATION, have been
tested, and at the time testing was performed, these sources were capable
of producing materials of the quality and quantity required for this
project provided suitable processing is performed. Samples from any source
selected consisting of not less than [_____] kilograms pounds of each size
of coarse aggregate and [_____] kilograms pounds of fine aggregate, taken
under the supervision of the Contracting Officer in accordance with COE
CRD-C 100, shall be delivered to [_____] within 15 days after notice to
proceed. Sampling and shipment of samples shall be at the Contractor's
expense. [_____] days will be required to complete evaluation of the
aggregates. Testing will be performed by the Government in accordance with
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