pozzolan, dry bulk silica fume, or slag. The contents of each storage
facility shall be plainly marked with a large permanent sign posted near
the loading port.
Aggregates Storage
Fine aggregate and each size of coarse aggregate shall be stored in
separate size groups adjacent to the batch plant and in such a manner as to
prevent the intermingling of size groups or the inclusion of foreign
materials in the concrete. Sufficient fine and coarse aggregate shall be
maintained at the site at all times to permit continuous placement and
completion of any lift of concrete started.
Cementitious Materials
NOTE: See the appropriate concrete aggregates design
memorandum or thermal study to select the proper
requirements for cementitious materials options,
pozzolan, and silica fume.
Portland Cement
Portland cement shall conform to ASTM C 150, Type [_____], [low-alkali when
used with aggregates listed to require it in the paragraph COMMERCIAL
CONCRETE AGGREGATE SOURCES, or when directed if a nonlisted source is
permitted.] [including the heat of hydration requirement at 7 days]
[including false-set requirement]. [In lieu of low-alkali cement, the
Contractor may use a combination of portland cement that does not meet the
low-alkali requirement with a pozzolan or slag provided the following
requirement is met. The expansion of the proposed combination shall be
equal to or less than the expansion of a low-alkali cement meeting the
requirements of this paragraph when tested in general conformance with ASTM
C 441. The expansion tests shall be run concurrently at an independent
laboratory that is nationally recognized to perform such tests. The
Government reserves the right to confirm the test results and to adjust the
percentage of pozzolan or slag in the combination to suit other
requirements.] [White portland cement shall meet these requirements except
that it may be Type I, Type II, or Type III [low alkali].] [Type III may
be used only in specific areas of the structure, when approved in writing.]
[Pozzolan Other than Silica Fume
Pozzolan other than silica fume shall conform to ASTM C 618, Class [_____],
and, in addition, limits in Table 2A, Uniformity Requirements (for
entrained air) shall apply to all fly ash. [Table 1A, Supplementary
Optional Chemical Requirement for Maximum Alkalies, shall apply when used
with aggregates listed to require low-alkali cement].]
[Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag
Ground granulated blast-furnace slag shall conform to ASTM C 989, Grade
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