[L.A. Abrasion
ASTM C 87]
[Soft Particles
COE CRD-C 130]
List unwanted
ASTM C 295]
materials and
their limits
[Chert, less than
ASTM C 123]
2.40 specific
[Coal and Lignite,
ASTM C 123]
less than 2.00
specific gravity
NOTES: The Designer should invoke the optional
requirement limiting the amount of material passing
the 75-m (No. 200) sieve when manufactured sand is
specified and may invoke the option when natural
sand is specified. If the limitation is invoked
here, it must be listed for fine aggregate in
paragraph AGGREGATES.
See the concrete materials design memorandum for the
approved gradings. Delete gradings not required.
a. Fine Aggregate - The grading of the fine aggregate as delivered to
the mixers shall be such that the individual percent retained on any
sieve shall not vary more than 3 percent from the percent retained on
that sieve in a fixed grading selected by the Contractor with the
approval of the Contracting Officer. The fixed grading may be selected
at the start of concrete placement and based upon 30 days fine
aggregate production or selected after the first 30 days of concrete
placement. The minimum individual percent retained on the 2.36 mm (No.
8) sieve shall be 5 percent and on all smaller sieves[, except the 75
m (No. 200),] shall be 10 percent. In addition to the grading limits,
the fine aggregate, as delivered to the mixer, shall have a fineness
modulus of not less than 2.25 nor more than 2.85. The grading of the
fine aggregate shall also be controlled so that the fineness moduli
groups (average of the current test and the previous two tests) of the
fine aggregate as delivered to the mixer shall not vary more than 0.10
from the target fineness modulus of the fixed grading selected by the
Contractor and approved by the Contracting Officer. The range of each
group shall not exceed 0.20. The fineness modulus shall be determined
in accordance with COE CRD-C 104. At the option of the Contractor,
fine aggregate may be separated into two or more sizes or
classifications, but the uniformity of grading of the separate sizes
shall be controlled so that they may be combined throughout the job in
fixed proportions established during the first 30 days of concrete
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