ASTM C 1077. The individuals who sample and test concrete or the
constituents of concrete as required in this specification shall have
demonstrated a knowledge and ability to perform the necessary test
procedures equivalent to the ACI minimum guidelines for certification of
Concrete Field Testing Technicians, Grade I. The Government will inspect
the laboratory, equipment, and test procedures prior to start of concreting
operations and at least once per year thereafter for conformance with ASTM
C 1077. The individual who performs the inspection shall have demonstrated
a knowledge and ability equivalent to the ACI minimum guidelines for
certification of [Concrete Transportation Construction Inspector (CTCI)]
[Concrete Construction Inspector (CCI)].
Testing and Inspection Requirements
Fine Aggregate
NOTE: If the optional requirement to limit the
amount of material passing the 75 m (No. 200) sieve
was invoked in paragraph AGGREGATES, the requirement
to perform ASTM C 117 must be invoked in
subparagraph a.
a. Grading - At least once during each shift when the concrete plant
is operating, there shall be one sieve analysis and fineness modulus
determination in accordance with ASTM C 136 [, ASTM C 117] and COE
CRD-C 104 for the fine aggregate or for each fine aggregate if it is
batched in more than one size or classification. The location at which
samples are taken may be selected by the Contractor as the most
advantageous for control. However, the Contractor is responsible for
delivering fine aggregate to the mixer within specification limits.
The results shall be recorded on a sheet on which are also shown the
specification limits applicable to the project.
b. Fineness Modulus Control Chart - Results for fineness modulus shall
be grouped in sets of three consecutive tests, and the average and
range of each group shall be plotted on a control chart. The upper and
lower control limits for average shall be drawn 0.10 units above and
below the target fineness modulus, and the upper control limit for
range shall be 0.20 units above the target fineness modulus.
c. Corrective Action for Fine Aggregate Grading - When the amount
passing any sieve is outside the specification limits, the fine
aggregate shall be immediately resampled and retested. If there is
another failure for any sieve, the fact shall immediately be reported.
Whenever a point on the fineness modulus control chart, either for
average or range, is beyond one of the control limits, the frequency of
testing shall be doubled. If two consecutive points are beyond the
control limits, the process shall be considered out of control and
concreting shall be stopped. Notify the Contracting Officer, and take
immediate steps to rectify the situation. After two consecutive points
have fallen within the control limits, testing at the normal frequency
may be resumed.
d. Moisture Content Testing - When in the opinion of the Contracting
Officer the electric moisture meter is not operating satisfactorily,
there shall be at least four tests for moisture content in accordance
with ASTM C 566 during each 8-hour period of mixing plant operation.
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