a smooth, dense finish. The exposed surface of other types of nonshrink
grout shall have a smooth, dense finish.
Grout and parge coats shall be cured in conformance with paragraph CURING
Block-out concrete shall be composed of portland cement, water, fine and
coarse aggregate, and admixtures. The concrete mixture proportions,
including admixture, will be provided by the Contracting Officer. An
expansive admixture shall be used to cause the blockout concrete to expand
to fit snugly in the space that confines it. The expansive admixture shall
conform to the requirements of ASTM C 937 for grout fluidifier. Any
block-out concrete not placed within 30 minutes after contact of the cement
and admixture shall be wasted. The block-out shall be confined on all
sides to provide restraint.]
[Placing Block-out Concrete
Blockouts shall be provided as shown on the plans for the embedment of gate
seal seats, gate guides, bulkhead guides, beams embedded for bulkhead
seals, crane rails, and other embedded metalwork as appropriate. Prior to
installation of embedded items, the block-outs or recesses shall be cleaned
in accordance with applicable requirements of the paragraph on construction
joint treatment. After installation of embedded items and prior to placing
any forms, all surfaces of the block-outs or recesses and surfaces of items
to be embedded shall be thoroughly cleaned of all loose material, oil,
grease, and other contaminants which might reduce the bond between the
surfaces of the blockouts or recesses and new concrete. Extreme caution
shall be exercised in placing block-out concrete to avoid distortion or
displacement of the embedded items.]
NOTE: The title of the certification provided by
ACI that concrete inspectors/technicians have to
"Concrete Transportation Construction Inspector" to
"Concrete Construction Inspector" in 2004. Since
the certification is good for 5 years, both titles
will be kept in the specifications through 2006;
pick the correct bracketed statement for projects
prior to 2004.
The Contractor shall perform the following inspection and tests as
described, and, based upon the results of these inspections and tests, he
shall take the action required and submit reports as required. When, in
the opinion of the Contracting Officer, the concreting operation is out of
control, concrete placement shall cease. The laboratory performing the
tests shall be on-site and shall conform with the requirements given in
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