A room shall be provided in the plant to house the moisture and grading
testing equipment for aggregate and to provide working space. Another room
shall be provided for testing fresh concrete and for fabricating and
initial curing of concrete test specimens in accordance with ASTM C 31/C 31M.
The size, arrangement, and location of these rooms will be subject to
heat, and water as required for use in these laboratory areas. [Section [
[_____]] [_____]of these specifications presents requirements for a
separate building equipped for a testing laboratory.]
NOTE: The paragraph should be included in projects
for which "onsite" plant is a requirement. The
wording should be modified as necessary to suit the
particular requirements of each project. Drawings
submitted in compliance with this paragraph will
enable the Contracting Officer to determine in
advance of erection whether or not the plant meets
the requirements of these specifications.
Drawings, in triplicate, showing the layout of the plant the Contractor
proposes to use on the work shall be submitted by the Contractor for
review. The drawings shall show the locations of the principal components
of the construction plant; offices; shop and storage building; housing
facilities, if any; and storage areas and yards which the Contractor
proposes to construct at the site of the work and elsewhere. The
Contractor shall also furnish for review drawings, in triplicate, showing
the general features of his aggregate processing plant; aggregate
transporting; storage and reclaiming facilities; aggregate rinsing and
dewatering plant, if required; coarse aggregate rescreening plant, if
required; concrete batching and mixing plant; concrete conveying and
placing plant; and when precooling of concrete is required, the cooling
plant. The drawing shall appropriately show the capacity of each major
feature of the plant including the rated capacity of the aggregate
production plant in tons (metric) tons (2000 lb) per hour of fine and
coarse aggregates; rated capacity of the aggregate transporting, storage
and reclaiming facilities; volume of aggregate storage; capacity of cement
and pozzolan storage; rated capacity of the concrete batching and mixing
plant in cubic meters yards per hour; rated capacity of the concrete
transporting and placing plant in cubic meters yards per hour; and when
used rated capacity of plant for precooling of concrete. Drawings in
triplicate showing any changes in plant made during design and erection or
after the plant is in operation shall be submitted for review. Two sets of
the drawings will be retained and one set will be returned to the
Contractor with comments.]
NOTE: See the concrete materials design memorandum
for information on mixer selection and concrete
mixers. Truck mixers shall not be allowed for
mixing or transporting concrete with less than 50 mm
(2 in.) slump or greater than 37.5 mm (1-1/2 in.)
nominal maximum size aggregate (NMSA).
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