SECTION 02630 STORM DRAINAGEREFERENCES -26300005AMERICAN RAILWAY ENGINEERING AND MAINTENANCE-OF-WAY ASSOCIATION (AREMA)ASTM INTERNATIONAL (ASTM) -26300007ASTM INTERNATIONAL (ASTM) (cont.) -26300008ASTM INTERNATIONAL (ASTM) (cont.) -26300009MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT -26300010Walls and HeadwallsSUBMITTALS -26300012DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING -26300013Concrete PipeReinforced Arch Culvert and Storm DrainpipeCorrugated Steel PipeFully Bituminous CoatedPolymer PrecoatedStructural Plate, Steel Pipe, Pipe Arches and ArchesDuctile Iron Culvert PipeCorrugated PVC PipeProfile Wall PE PipeDRAINAGE STRUCTURES -26300023Precast Concrete Segmental BlocksPrecast Reinforced Concrete ManholesFlexible Watertight, Gasketed JointsSTEEL LADDERConcrete, Clay, PVC and PE PipeTrenchingBEDDINGConcrete, Clay, PVC, Ribbed PVC, Ductile Iron and Cast-Iron PipeStructural-Plate SteelJOINTING -26300033Cement-Mortar Tongue-and-Groove JointPlastic Sealing Compound Joints for Tongue-and-Grooved PipeDRAINAGE STRUCTURES -26300036STEEL LADDER INSTALLATIONBackfilling Pipe in Fill SectionsPIPELINE TESTINGDeflection TestingFIELD PAINTING -2630004102630