ASTM F 794
(2003) Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Profile
Gravity Sewer Pipe and Fittings Based on
Controlled Inside Diameter
ASTM F 894
(1998a) Polyethylene (PE) Large Diameter
Profile Wall Sewer and Drain Pipe
ASTM F 949
(2003) Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC)
Corrugated Sewer Pipe with a Smooth
Interior and Fittings
NOTE: Delete this paragraph when the work specified
is included in a lump-sum contract price.
Separate bid may be required for each item for the
construction of the various sizes of pipe culverts
and storm drains and individual miscellaneous
drainage structures, including all excavation,
materials, backfilling, etc., for the completed work.
If separate bid items are used for the excavation,
this fact should be clearly stated in the
specifications and bid form, indicating that payment
is to be made separately for earth excavation, rock
excavation, borrow excavation, or other items that
otherwise might be construed as the basis for a
claim by the Contractor. Unit prices for rock
excavation should be independent of, and not in
addition to, the unit bid price for common
excavation, unless so specified and so stated in the
bid form.
Pipe Culverts and Storm Drains
The length of pipe installed will be measured along the centerlines of the
pipe from end to end of pipe without deductions for diameter of manholes.
Pipe will be paid for at the contract unit price for the number of linear
meters feet of culverts or storm drains placed in the accepted work.
Manholes and Inlets
NOTE: Fill brackets with depth requirements.
The quantity of manholes and inlets will be measured as the total number of
manholes and inlets of the various types of construction, complete with
frames and gratings or covers and, where indicated, with fixed side-rail
ladders, constructed to the depth of [_____] meters, feet, in the accepted
work. The depth of manholes and inlets will be measured from the top of
grating or cover to invert of outlet pipe. Manholes and inlets constructed
to depths greater than the depth specified above will be paid for as units
at the contract unit price for manholes and inlets, plus an additional
amount per linear meter foot for the measured depth beyond a depth of
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