backfill shall be placed to prevent pipe movement during testing, leaving
the joints uncovered to permit inspection. Visible leaks encountered shall
be corrected regardless of leakage test results. When the water table is
600 mm 2 feet or more above the top of the pipe at the upper end of the
pipeline section to be tested, infiltration shall be measured using a
suitable weir or other device acceptable to the Contracting Officer. An
exfiltration test shall be made by filling the line to be tested with water
so that a head of at least 600 mm 2 feet is provided above both the water
table and the top of the pipe at the upper end of the pipeline to be
tested. The filled line shall be allowed to stand until the pipe has
reached its maximum absorption, but not less than 4 hours. After
absorption, the head shall be reestablished. The amount of water required
to maintain this water level during a 2-hour test period shall be measured.
Leakage as measured by the exfiltration test shall not exceed [60 liters
per mm in diameter per kilometer (250 gallons per inch in diameter per
mile) 250 gallons per inch in diameter per mile of pipeline per day] [9 mL
per mm in diameter per 100 meters (0.2 gallons per inch in diameter per 100
feet) 0.2 gallons per inch in diameter per 100 feet of pipeline per hour].
When leakage exceeds the maximum amount specified, satisfactory correction
shall be made and retesting accomplished.
Deflection Testing
NOTE: Delete this paragraph when no plastic piping
has been allowed for the project. Specify only when
warranted by scope or size of project or when a high
degree of watertightness is required.
Delete for all LANTNAVFACENGCOM projects.
Perform a deflection test on entire length of installed plastic pipeline on
completion of work adjacent to and over the pipeline, including leakage
tests, backfilling, placement of fill, grading, paving, concreting, and any
other superimposed loads. Deflection of pipe in the installed pipeline
under external loads shall not exceed 4.5 percent of the average inside
diameter of pipe. Determine whether the allowable deflection has been
exceeded by use of a pull-through device or a deflection measuring device.
Pull-through device: This device shall be a spherical,
spheroidal, or elliptical ball, a cylinder, or circular sections
fused to a common shaft. Circular sections shall be so spaced on
the shaft that distance from external faces of front and back
sections will equal or exceed diameter of the circular section.
Pull-through device may also be of a design promulgated by the
Uni-Bell Plastic Pipe Association, provided that the device meets
the applicable requirements specified in this paragraph, including
those for diameter of the device. Ball, cylinder, or circular
sections shall conform to the following:
(1) A diameter, or minor diameter as applicable, of 95 percent of
the average inside diameter of the pipe; tolerance of plus 0.5
percent will be permitted.
(2) A homogeneous material throughout, with a density greater
than 1.0 as related to water at 4 degrees C 39.2 degrees F, and a
surface Brinell hardness of not less than 150.
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