Type [IA] [IR] [IIA] [IIR] pipe with helical corrugations.
Aluminum Fully Bituminous Coated
Bituminous coating shall conform to ASTM A 849 Type [_____]. Piping shall
conform to AASHTO M 190 Type A and ASTM B 745/B 745M corrugated aluminum
alloy pipe of either:
Type [I] [II] pipe with [annular] [helical] corrugations.
Type [IA] [IR] [IIA] [IIR] pipe with helical corrugations.
Aluminum Fully Bituminous Coated, Part Paved
Bituminous coating shall conform to ASTM A 849 Type [_____]. Piping shall
conform to AASHTO M 190 Type C and ASTM B 745/B 745M corrugated aluminum
alloy pipe of either:
Type [I] [II] pipe with [annular] [helical] corrugations.
Type [IR] [IIR] pipe with helical corrugations.
Structural Plate, Steel Pipe, Pipe Arches and Arches
NOTE: Coordinate with paragraph Corrugated Steel
This paragraph includes options for providing a
protective coating on the structural plate pipe.
The designer will delete these options when
protective coating is not a part of the project
requirements. When protective coating on the
structural-plate pipe is a project requirement, the
designer will select the applicable option. Metal
pipe manufacturers state that it is impracticable in
initial construction to provide a permanent paved
invert of bituminous material in structural-plate
corrugated metal pipe.
Assembled with galvanized steel nuts and bolts, from galvanized corrugated
steel plates conforming to AASHTO M 167. Pipe coating, when required,
shall conform to the requirements of [AASHTO M 190 Type A] [AASHTO M 243].
Thickness of plates shall be as indicated.
Structural Plate, Aluminum Pipe, Pipe Arches and Arches
NOTE: Coordinate with paragraph Corrugated Steel
Pipe and paragraph Structural Plate, Steel Pipe,
Pipe Arches and Arches.
Assembled with either aluminum alloy, aluminum coated steel, stainless
steel or zinc coated steel nuts and bolts. Nuts and bolts, and aluminum
alloy plates shall conform to AASHTO M 219. Pipe coating, when required,
shall conform to the requirements of [AASHTO M 190, Type A] [AASHTO M 243].
Thickness of plates shall be as indicated.
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