a more descriptive specification giving methods,
frequency of application, and monitoring methods for
controlling particulates.
Dust particles; aerosols and gaseous by-products from construction
activities; and processing and preparation of materials, such as from
asphaltic batch plants; shall be controlled at all times, including
weekends, holidays and hours when work is not in progress. The Contractor
shall maintain excavations, stockpiles, haul roads, permanent and temporary
access roads, plant sites, spoil areas, borrow areas, and other work areas
within or outside the project boundaries free from particulates which would
cause the Federal, State, and local air pollution standards to be exceeded
or which would cause a hazard or a nuisance. Sprinkling, chemical
treatment of an approved type, baghouse, scrubbers, electrostatic
precipitators or other methods will be permitted to control particulates in
the work area. Sprinkling, to be efficient, must be repeated to keep the
disturbed area damp at all times. The Contractor must have sufficient,
control shall be performed as the work proceeds and whenever a particulate
nuisance or hazard occurs. The Contractor shall comply with all State and
local visibility regulations.
Odors from construction activities shall be controlled at all times. The
odors shall not cause a health hazard and shall be in compliance with State
regulations and/or local ordinances.
Sound Intrusions
NOTE: Insert State's name or remove last sentence
when State rules are not applicable. The Designer
should further address any facility specific
requirements such as operational hours around base
housing etc.
The Contractor shall keep construction activities under surveillance and
control to minimize environment damage by noise. The Contractor shall
comply with the provisions of the State of [_____] rules.
NOTE: Edit the paragraph after coordinating with
the governing agencies.
[Burning shall be prohibited on the Government premises.] [Burning will not
be allowed on the project site unless specified in other sections of the
specifications or authorized in writing by the Contracting Officer. The
specific time, location, and manner of burning shall be subject to
approval.] [Fires shall be confined to a closed vessel, guarded at all
times, and shall be under constant surveillance until contents have burned
out or have been extinguished.] [Burning shall completely reduce the
materials to ashes.]
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