cubic meters cubic yards or tons, as appropriate.
Construction and Demolition (C&D) Debris Recycled = [_____] in
cubic meters cubic yards or tons, as appropriate.
Total C&D Debris Generated = [_____] in cubic meters cubic yards
or tons, as appropriate.
Waste Sent to Waste-To-Energy Incineration Plant (This amount
should not be included in the recycled amount) = [_____] in cubic
meters cubic yards or tons, as appropriate.
NOTE: If there are known historical,
archaeological, or cultural resources on the project
site, the bracketed sentences should be included and
the resource(s) should be shown on the drawings
along with their required protection measures.
[Existing historical, archaeological, and cultural resources within the
Contractor's work area are shown on the drawings. The Contractor shall
protect these resources and shall be responsible for their preservation
during the life of the Contract. ]If during excavation or other
construction activities any previously unidentified or unanticipated
historical, archaeological, and cultural resources are discovered or found,
all activities that may damage or alter such resources shall be temporarily
suspended. Resources covered by this paragraph include but are not limited
to: any human skeletal remains or burials; artifacts; shell, midden, bone,
charcoal, or other deposits; rock or coral alignments, pavings, wall, or
other constructed features; and any indication of agricultural or other
human activities. Upon such discovery or find, the Contractor shall
immediately notify the Contracting Officer so that the appropriate
authorities may be notified and a determination made as to their
significance and what, if any, special disposition of the finds should be
made. The Contractor shall cease all activities that may result in impact
to or the destruction of these resources. The Contractor shall secure the
area and prevent employees or other persons from trespassing on, removing,
or otherwise disturbing such resources.
NOTE: The Designer must specify any special
protection requirements and specifically describe
how the Contractor is to protect the resources.
This paragraph should be used when the Government
knows of resources which should be protected and
there are no requirements under Federal, State or
local laws or regulations which would ensure that
the Contractor would provide protection. If there
are known Endangered or Threatened Species onsite or
in the area including their habitat, this paragraph
must identify the species and/or their habitat and
must include any requirements or methods for
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