coordination with the Facility, Installation, or
Project Office. Usually, a permit to discharge is
not required for Land Application but the Designer
will be responsible for identifying and including
the requirements of the governing agencies. Insert
or delete the brackets with the name of process
producing the wastewater. If there is an area on
the project site for a retention pond, a choice may
be given for disposal in a retention pond. If there
is a possibility that the water is contaminated,
then appropriate analytical testing should be
identified by the Designer.
Disposal of waste water shall be as specified below.
Waste water from construction activities, such as onsite material
processing, concrete curing, foundation and concrete clean-up,
water used in concrete trucks, forms, etc. shall not be allowed to
enter water ways or to be discharged prior to being treated to
remove pollutants. The Contractor shall dispose of the
accordance with all Federal, State, Regional and Local laws and
regulations.] [or by collecting and placing it in a retention pond
where suspended material can be settled out and/or the water can
evaporate to separate pollutants from the water. The site for the
retention pond shall be coordinated and approved with the
Contracting Officer. The residue left in the pond prior to
completion of the project shall be removed, tested, and disposed
local laws and regulations. The area shall be backfilled to the
original grade, top-soiled and seeded/sodded. [The water in the
retention pond shall be tested for [_____] and the results
reviewed and approved by the Contracting Officer, prior to being
discharged or disposed off-Government property].]
For discharge of ground water, the Contractor shall [obtain a
State or Federal permit specific for pumping and discharging
ground water prior to surface discharging.] [surface discharge in
accordance with all Federal, State, and local laws and
regulations.] [surface discharge in accordance with the
requirements of the NPDES or State STORM WATER DISCHARGES FROM
CONSTRUCTION SITES permit.] [land apply on the project site. Land
application shall be in accordance with all Federal, State,
Regional, and/or Local laws and regulations for pumping and land
applying ground water.]
Water generated from the flushing of lines after [disinfection or
disinfection in conjunction with hydrostatic testing] [hydrostatic
testing] shall be [land applied in accordance with all Federal,
State, and local laws and regulations for land application]
[discharged into the sanitary sewer with prior approval and/or
notification to the Waste Water Treatment Plant's Operator].
NOTE: See Executive Order 13101, September 14,
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