be added to this paragraph, shown on the drawing,
and/or attached to this specification.
The Contractor shall be responsible for providing erosion and sediment
control measures in accordance with Federal, State, and local laws and
regulations. The erosion and sediment controls selected and maintained by
the Contractor shall be such that water quality standards are not violated
as a result of the Contractor's construction activities. The area of bare
soil exposed at any one time by construction operations should be kept to a
minimum. The Contractor shall construct or install temporary and permanent
erosion and sediment control best management practices (BMPs) [as indicated
on the drawings] [as specified in Section 01356A STORM WATER POLLUTION
PREVENTION MEASURES]. BMPs may include, but not be limited to, vegetation
cover, stream bank stabilization, slope stabilization, silt fences,
construction of terraces, interceptor channels, sediment traps, inlet and
outfall protection, diversion channels, and sedimentation basins. [The
Contractor's best management practices shall also be in accordance with the
[_____] National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Storm Water
Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) which may be reviewed at the [_____]
Environmental Office.] Any temporary measures shall be removed after the
area has been stabilized.
Contractor Facilities and Work Areas
The Contractor's field offices, staging areas, stockpile storage, and
temporary buildings shall be placed in areas designated on the drawings or
as directed by the Contracting Officer. Temporary movement or relocation
of Contractor facilities shall be made only when approved. Erosion and
sediment controls shall be provided for on-site borrow and spoil areas to
prevent sediment from entering nearby waters. Temporary excavation and
embankments for plant and/or work areas shall be controlled to protect
adjacent areas.
The Contractor shall monitor construction activities to prevent pollution
of surface and ground waters. Toxic or hazardous chemicals shall not be
applied to soil or vegetation unless otherwise indicated. All water areas
affected by construction activities shall be monitored by the Contractor.
For construction activities immediately adjacent to impaired surface
waters, the Contractor shall be capable of quantifying sediment or
pollutant loading to that surface water when required by State or Federally
Cofferdams, Diversions, and Dewatering Operations
NOTE: Edit the first sentence by removing items not
included in the project.
Construction operations for dewatering, removal of cofferdams, tailrace
excavation, and tunnel closure shall be controlled at all times to maintain
compliance with existing State water quality standards and designated uses
of the surface water body. The Contractor shall comply with [the State of
[_____] water quality standards and anti-degradation provisions] [and] [the
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