n. A contaminant prevention plan that: identifies potentially
hazardous substances to be used on the job site; identifies the
intended actions to prevent introduction of such materials into the
air, water, or ground; and details provisions for compliance with
Federal, State, and local laws and regulations for storage and handling
of these materials. In accordance with EM 385-1-1, a copy of the
hazardous material to be on site at any given time shall be included in
brought on site or removed from the site, the plan shall be updated.
o. A waste water management plan that identifies the methods and
procedures for management and/or discharge of waste waters which are
directly derived from construction activities, such as concrete curing
water, clean-up water, dewatering of ground water, disinfection water,
settling/retention pond is required, the plan shall include the design
of the pond including drawings, removal plan, and testing requirements
for possible pollutants. If land application will be the method of
disposal for the waste water, the plan shall include a sketch showing
the location for land application along with a description of the
pretreatment methods to be implemented. If surface discharge will be
the method of disposal, a copy of the permit and associated documents
shall be included as an attachment prior to discharging the waste
water. If disposal is to a sanitary sewer, the plan shall include
documentation that the Waste Water Treatment Plant Operator has
approved the flow rate, volume, and type of discharge.
p. A historical, archaeological, cultural resources biological
resources and wetlands plan that defines procedures for identifying and
protecting historical, archaeological, cultural resources, biological
resources and wetlands known to be on the project site: and/or
identifies procedures to be followed if historical archaeological,
cultural resources, biological resources and wetlands not previously
known to be onsite or in the area are discovered during construction.
The plan shall include methods to assure the protection of known or
discovered resources and shall identify lines of communication between
Contractor personnel and the Contracting Officer.
q. A pesticide treatment plan shall be included and updated, as
information becomes available. The plan shall include: sequence of
treatment, dates, times, locations, pesticide trade name, EPA
formulation, original and applied concentration, application rates of
active ingredient (i.e. pounds of active ingredient applied), equipment
used for application and calibration of equipment. The Contractor is
responsible for Federal, State, Regional and Local pest management
Installation Project Office specific requirements. The Contractor
shall follow [DA AR 200-5 Pest Management, Chapter 2, Section III "Pest
Installation] [AFI 32-1053 Sections 3.4.13 and 3.4.14 for data required
to be reported to the Installation].
Copies of all environmental permits, permit application packages, approvals
to construct, notifications, certifications, reports, and termination
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