Plan supplements the requirements of EM 385-1-1 [and the [_____]].
This plan shall include as a minimum:
1. The name of the individual who will report any spills or
hazardous substance releases and who will follow up with complete
documentation. This individual shall immediately notify the
Contracting Officer and [the local Fire Department] [Facility Fire
Department] [Facility Response Personnel] [Facility Environmental
Office] in addition to the legally required Federal, State, and
local reporting channels (including the National Response Center
1-800-424-8802) if a reportable quantity is released to the
environment. The plan shall contain a list of the required
reporting channels and telephone numbers.
2. The name and qualifications of the individual who will be
responsible for implementing and supervising the containment and
3. Training requirements for Contractor's personnel and methods
of accomplishing the training.
at the job site, tailored to cleanup work of the potential
hazard(s) identified.
5. The names and locations of suppliers of containment materials
and locations of additional fuel oil recovery, cleanup,
an unforeseen spill emergency.
contaminant cleanup.
k. A non-hazardous solid waste disposal plan identifying methods and
locations for solid waste disposal including clearing debris. The plan
shall include schedules for disposal. The Contractor shall identify
any subcontractors responsible for the transportation and disposal of
solid waste. Licenses or permits shall be submitted for solid waste
disposal sites that are not a commercial operating facility. Evidence
of the disposal facility's acceptance of the solid waste shall be
attached to this plan during the construction. The Contractor shall
attach a copy of each of the Non-hazardous Solid Waste Diversion
Reports to the disposal plan. The report shall be submitted on the
first working day after the first quarter that non-hazardous solid
waste has been disposed and/or diverted and shall be for the previous
quarter (e.g. the first working day of January, April, July, and
October). The report shall indicate the total amount of waste
generated and total amount of waste diverted in cubic meters yards or
tons along with the percent that was diverted.
l. A recycling and solid waste minimization plan with a list of
measures to reduce consumption of energy and natural resources. The
plan shall detail the Contractor's actions to comply with and to
participate in Federal, State, Regional, and local government sponsored
recycling programs to reduce the volume of solid waste at the source.
dust, debris, materials, trash, etc., do not become air borne and
travel off the project site.
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