Final copies of the manuals as specified, bound in hardback, loose-leaf
binders, shall be delivered to the Government within 30 days after
completing the endurance test. The draft copy used during site testing
shall be updated with any changes required prior to final delivery of the
manuals. Each manual's contents shall be identified on the cover. The
manual shall include names, addresses, and telephone numbers of each
subcontractor installing equipment and systems, and nearest service
representative for each item of equipment. The manuals shall have a table
of contents and tab sheets. Tab sheets shall be placed at the beginning of
each chapter or section and at the beginning of each appendix. The final
copies delivered after completion of the endurance test shall include
modifications made during installation, checkout, and acceptance. The
number of copies of each manual to be delivered shall be as specified on DD
FORM 1423.
Operator's Manual
A copy of the final and approved Operator's Manual shall be provided.
Software Manual
A copy of the final and approved Software Manual shall be provided.
Hardware Manual
A copy of the final and approved Hardware Manual shall be provided.
Maintenance Manual
A copy of the final and approved Maintenance Manual shall be provided.
Final System Drawings
The Contractor shall maintain a separate set of drawings, elementary
drawings. This set shall be accurately kept up-to-date by the Contractor
with all changes and additions to the ESS and shall be delivered to the
Government with the final endurance test report. In addition to being
complete and accurate, this set of drawings shall be kept neat and shall
not be used for installation purposes. Final drawings submitted with the
endurance test report shall be finished drawings on CD-ROM in [Microstation
Version 8] [AutoCAD 2002] format.
The Contractor shall perform pre-delivery testing, site performance
verification testing, and adjustment of the completed ESS. The Contractor
shall provide personnel, equipment, instrumentation, and supplies necessary
to perform testing. Written notification of planned testing shall be given
to the Government at least 14 days prior to the test; notice shall not be
given until after the Contractor has received written approval of the
specific test procedures.
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