Resilient flooring application shall be scheduled after the completion of
other work which would damage the finished surface of the flooring.
Manufacturer's standard performance guarantees or warranties that extend
beyond a one year period shall be provided.
NOTE: To ensure matching flooring that may become
damaged and require spot replacement, a supply of
extra flooring of same types, colors and dye lot is
recommended. Coordinate requirement for extra stock
with customer; warehousing may not be available.
Extra flooring material of each color and pattern shall be furnished at the
rate of[[_____] [5] tiles for each 1000 tiles] [and] [[_____] [0.5] square
meters [5] square feet for each 92 square meters 1000 square feet of sheet
flooring] installed. Extra wall base material composed of 6 m 20 linear
feet of each type, color and pattern shall be furnished. All extra
materials shall be packaged in original properly marked containers bearing
the manufacturer's name, brand name, pattern color name and number,
production run, and handling instructions. Extra materials shall be from
the same lot as those installed. Leave extra stock at site in location as
directed by Contracting Officer.
NOTE: Appropriate flooring material should be
determined by:
-Amount and type (foot, cart, wheelchair, etc.)
of traffic
-Abrasiveness of local soil conditions
-Exposure to water, chemicals, grease, and burns
-Exposure to in-use damage (cuts, tears, gouges)
-Exposure to direct sunlight (fading potential)
-Anticipated type of and frequency of maintenance
-Cost of maintenance
-Appearance expectations
Verify proposed use of flooring with manufacturers
Sheet flooring should be considered for areas such
as health care facilities due to the reduced amount
of seams. Seam welded sheet flooring without
backing provides a monolithic floor impervious to
moisture penetration.
Specify special adhesive for resilient flooring
installed on floors with radiant heating, wet areas
and areas with heavy rolling loads.
If more than one type of resilient flooring is
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