and remove the accumulated sediment, after each storm. Use a paved weir or
vertical overflow pipe for overflow. Remove collected sediment from the
site. Institute effluent quality monitoring programs.
Vegetation and Mulch
Provide temporary protection on sides and back slopes as soon as rough
grading is completed or sufficient soil is exposed to require erosion
protection. Protect slopes by accelerated growth of permanent vegetation,
temporary vegetation, mulching, or netting. Stabilize slopes by
hydroseeding, anchoring mulch in place, covering with anchored netting,
sodding, or such combination of these and other methods necessary for
effective erosion control.
NOTE: Indicate section number and title in blank
below using proper format per UFC 1-300-02.
Seeding: Provide new seeding where ground is disturbed. Include
topsoil or nutriment during the seeding operation necessary to
[establish] [reestablish] a suitable stand of grass. [The seeding
operation will be as specified in _____.]
Pick up solid wastes, and place in covered containers which are regularly
emptied. Do not prepare or cook food on the project site. Prevent
contamination of the site or other areas when handling and disposing of
wastes. At project completion, leave the areas clean. Recycling is
encouraged and can be coordinated with the Contracting Officer and the
activity recycling coordinator. Remove all solid waste (including
approved landfill. Solid waste disposal off-site must comply with most
stringent local, State, and Federal requirements including 40 CFR 241, 40
CFR 243, and 40 CFR 258.
NOTE: Include the following paragraph for SOUTHDIV
projects at the Charleston Air Force Base and for
other SOUTHDIV projects as determined by the
Contracting Officer based on project size, scope,
complexity, and visibility. Consult the Contracting
Officer for base standard colors.
Equip dumpsters with a secure cover and paint the standard base color.
Keep cover closed at all times, except when being loaded with trash and
debris. Locate dumpsters behind the construction fence or out of the
public view. Empty site dumpsters at least once a week. or as needed to
keep the site free of debris and trash. If necessary, provide 208 liter 55
gallon trash containers painted the darker base color to collect debris in
the construction site area. Locate the trash containers behind the
construction fence or out of the public view. Empty trash containers at
least once a day. For large demolitions, large dumpsters without lids are
acceptable but should not have debris higher than the sides before emptying.
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