Hazardous Waste/Debris Management
The Contractor will identify all construction activities which will
generate hazardous waste/debris. The Contractor must provide a documented
waste determination for all resultant waste streams. Hazardous
waste/debris will be identified, labeled, handled, stored, and disposed of
in accordance with all Federal, State, and local regulations including 40
CFR 261, 40 CFR 262, 40 CFR 263, 40 CFR 264, 40 CFR 265, 40 CFR 266, and 40
CFR 268. Hazardous waste will also be managed in accordance with the
Plan. Store hazardous wastes in approved containers in accordance with 49
CFR 173 and 49 CFR 178. Hazardous waste generated within the confines of
Government facilities will be identified as being generated by the
Government. Prior to removal of any hazardous waste from Government
property, all hazardous waste manifests must be signed by activity
personnel from the Station Environmental Office. No hazardous waste will
copy of waste determination documentation for any solid waste streams that
have any potential to be hazardous waste or contain any chemical
constituents listed in 40 CFR 372-SUBPART D. For hazardous wastes spills,
verbally notify the Contracting Officer immediately.
Regulated Waste Storage/Satellite Accumulation/90 Day Storage Areas
If the work requires the temporary storage/collection of regulated or
hazardous wastes, the Contractor will request the establishment of a
Regulated Waste Storage Area, a Satellite Accumulation Area, or a 90 Day
Storage Area at the point of generation. The Contractor must submit a
request in writing to the Contracting Officer providing the following
Contract Number
Haz/Waste or
Regulated Waste POC
Phone Number
Type of Waste
Source of Waste
Emergency POC
Phone Number
Location of the Site: ____________
(Attach Site Plan to the Request)
Attach a waste determination form.
Allow ten working days for processing
this request.
Sampling and Analysis of HW
NOTE: Add for Norfolk Naval Shipyard projects
The Contractor will sample waste in accordance with EPA
530/F-93/004. Each sampled drum or container will be clearly
marked with the Contractor's identification number and cross
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