and local regulations.
Do not use this paragraph or its subparagraphs if a
regional Erosion and Sediment Control specification
section is used.
Burnoff of the ground cover is not permitted.
Protection of Erodible Soils
Immediately finish the earthwork brought to a final grade, as indicated or
specified. Immediately protect the side slopes and back slopes upon
completion of rough grading. Plan and conduct earthwork to minimize the
duration of exposure of unprotected soils.
Temporary Protection of Erodible Soils
Use the following methods to prevent erosion and control sedimentation:
Mechanical Retardation and Control of Runoff
Mechanically retard and control the rate of runoff from the construction
site. This includes construction of diversion ditches, benches, berms, and
use of silt fences and straw bales to retard and divert runoff to protected
Sediment Basins
NOTE: The appropriate design-year storm is
determined by the downstream environment to be
protected. In the event permanent sediment basins
are necessary for the particular project, these
permanent facilities will be included in the project
design and included as part of the contract
documents. If permanent basins are not required,
delete reference thereto. For natural environments,
the following general guidelines should be followed:
Downstream Environment
Design-Year Storm
Dry wash or areas without
significant vegetation
Seasonal creek or highly
vegetative areas
Stream, river, estuary, or
other open waters
Lake, reservoir, harbor, bay,
or other closed waters
Trap sediment in [temporary] [permanent] sediment basins. [Select a basin
size to accommodate the runoff of a local [_____]-year storm.] Pump dry
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