Storm Water Management and Control
Ground cover
Erodible soils
Temporary measures
Mechanical retardation and control of runoff
Vegetation and mulch
NOTE: Insert this paragraph when 0.4 or more
hectares 1 or more acres of total land area are to
be disturbed during the construction. This
requirement is the Federal EPA standard. Some
States are more stringent; e.g., South Carolina EPA
standards invoke these requirements for construction
sites disturbing any land area within 0.8 kilometer
1/2 mile of a receiving water body in the Coastal
Zone. Verify if the requirements of this paragraph
are applicable for less than the Federal EPA
standard by checking with the EPA of the State where
the project is located. Edit the text accordingly.
[(4) Storm Water Pollution Prevention Measures and Notice of
Intent 40 CFR 122.26, EPA 832-R-92-005. Provide a "Storm Water
Pollution Prevention Plan" (SWPPP) for the project. The SWPPP
will meet the requirements of the [EPA] [State of [_____]] general
permit for storm water discharges from construction sites. Submit
the SWPPP along with any required Notice of Intents, Notice of
Termination, and appropriate permit fees, via the Contracting
Officer, to the appropriate [Federal] [State] agency for approval,
a minimum of 14 calendar days prior to the start of construction.
A copy of the approved SWPPP will be kept at the construction
on-site office, and continually updated as regulations require to
reflect current site conditions.
(a) Identify potential sources of pollution which may be
reasonably expected to affect the quality of storm water discharge
from the site.
(b) Describe and ensure implementation of practices which will be
used to reduce the pollutants in storm water discharge associated
with industrial activity at the construction site.
(c) Ensure compliance with terms of [EPA] [state] general permit
for storm water discharge.
Select applicable management practices from EPA 832-R-92-005.
(e) Provide completed copy of "Notice of Intent" and "Notice of
Termination" except for effective date.]
Prevention of Releases to the Environment
Procedures to prevent releases to the environment
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