applicable Federal, State and local laws and regulations. The Contractor
will immediately notify the Contracting Officer if a Notice of Violation
(NOV) is issued to the Contractor.
The Contractor will be responsible for all damages to persons or property
resulting from Contractor fault or negligence as well as for the payment of
any civil fines or penalties which may be assessed by any Federal, State or
local regulatory agency as a result of the Contractor's or any
subcontractor's violation of any applicable Federal, State or local
environmental law or regulation. Should a Notice of Violation (NOV),
Notice of Noncompliance (NON), Notice of Deficiency (NOD), or similar
regulatory agency notice be issued to the Government as facility
owner/operator on account of the actions or inactions of the Contractor or
one of its subcontractors in the performance of work under this contract,
the Contractor will fully cooperate with the Government in defending
against regulatory assessment of any civil fines or penalties arising out
of such actions or inactions.
On site fuel tanks must be over drip pans, which can contain 110% of the
tank's volume. The tanks and drip pans must be covered during inclement
weather and when work is not in progress on the site.
NOTE: Add the following for projects at Norfolk
Naval Shipyard (NNSY).
[No Contractor may bring a tank, which is not a permanently attached part
of a machine, on to NNSY property without first obtaining permission from
Code 106. No contract may be closed out unless all tanks have been removed
and their site properly closed, unless permission has been obtained from
Code 106 to allow the tanks to remain on NNSY property after contract close
NOTE: Include this paragraph for Large Quantity
Generator facilities with project ECC in excess of
0,000. Coordinate inclusion of paragraph with
the activity environmental staff.
The Contractor will appoint in writing an Environmental Manager for the
project site. The Environmental Manager will be directly responsible for
coordinating contractor compliance with Federal, State, local, and station
requirements. The Environmental Manager will ensure compliance with
Hazardous Waste Program requirements (including hazardous waste handling,
Plan; ensure that all environmental permits are obtained, maintained, and
closed out; ensure compliance with Storm Water Program Management
handling, and reporting) requirements; and coordinate any remediation of
regulated substances (lead, asbestos, PCB transformers). This can be a
collateral position; however the person in this position must be trained to
adequately accomplish the following duties: ensure waste segregation and
storage compatibility requirements are met; inspect and manage Satellite
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