Laboratory analysis
Disposal Requirements
SD-11 Closeout Submittals
Some of the records listed below are also required as part of
other submittals. For the "Records" submittal, maintain on-site a
separate three-ring Environmental Records binder and submit at the
completion of the project. Make separate parts to the binder
corresponding to each of the applicable sub items listed below.
Preconstruction survey
Solid waste disposal permit
Waste determination documentation
Disposal documentation for hazardous and regulated waste
Contractor 40 CFR employee training records
Regulatory notification
Erosion and sediment control inspection reports
Solid waste disposal report
Contractor Hazardous Material Inventory Log; G
Hazardous Waste/Debris Management
Submit truck and material haul routes along with a plan for controlling
dirt, debris, and dust on base roadways. As a minimum, identify in the
plan the subcontractor and equipment for cleaning along the haul route and
measures to reduce dirt, dust, and debris from roadways.
Submit a copy of a laboratory analysis of solid waste and debris with the
potential of becoming classified as a hazardous waste (i.e., abrasive/sand
blasting debris, etc.). Waste stream determinations are required at the
point of generation and must sufficiently document whether the waste will
be a solid waste, hazardous waste, or Resource Conservation and Recovery
Act (RCRA) exempt waste. Determinations must use EPA approved methods and
provide written rational for whether the waste is classified as hazardous
or non-hazardous. The Contractor will bear the cost of the waste stream
determinations, and the Contracting Officer reserves the right to request
waste stream determinations on questionable waste streams.
Preconstruction Survey
Perform a preconstruction survey of the project site with the Contracting
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