of lead contaminated or lead based contaminated paint is not
as reinforcing steel, structural shapes, pipe and wire that are
recovered or collected and disposed of as scrap. Scrap metal
meeting the definition of hazardous material or hazardous waste is
not included.
Paint cans: Metal cans that are empty of paints, solvents,
thinners and adhesives. If permitted by the paint can label, a
thin dry film may remain in the can.
NOTE: State and local requirements regarding the
inclusion within recyclables of paint cans and lead
contaminated or lead based paint contaminated metal
sold to scrap metal companies vary. Check with the
Solid Waste Authority at the state or local level
and edit the second and third sentences of sub item
g. below accordingly.
Recyclables: Materials, equipment and assemblies such as doors,
windows, door and window frames, plumbing fixtures, glazing and
mirrors that are recovered and sold as recyclable. Metal meeting
the definition of lead contaminated or lead based paint
contaminated [may] [may not] be included as recyclable if sold to
a scrap metal company. Paint cans [may] [may not] be included as
recyclable if sold to a scrap metal company.
Non-hazardous solid material generated during the construction, demolition,
or renovation of a structure which exceeds 60 mm 2.5 inch particle size
that is: a manufactured object; plant or animal matter; or natural geologic
material (e.g. cobbles and boulders). A mixture of debris and other
material such as soil or sludge is also subject to regulation as debris if
the mixture is comprised primarily of debris by volume, based on visual
Hazardous Debris
As defined in paragraph entitled "Debris" of this section, debris that
contains listed hazardous waste (either on the debris surface, or in its
interstices, such as pore structure) per 40 CFR 261; or debris that
exhibits a characteristic of hazardous waste per 40 CFR 261.
Chemical Wastes
This includes salts, acids, alkalies, herbicides, pesticides, and organic
Refuse and scraps resulting from preparation, cooking, dispensing, and
consumption of food.
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