The Contracting Officer may request submittals in addition to those
specified when deemed necessary to adequately describe the work covered in
the respective sections. Units of weights and measures used on all
submittals shall be the same as those used in the contract drawings. Each
submittal shall be complete and in sufficient detail to allow ready
determination of compliance with contract requirements. Prior to
submittal, all items shall be checked and approved by the Contractor's
Quality Control (CQC) System ManagerQuality Control (CQC) System Manager
and the Designer of Record, if applicable, and each item shall be stamped,
signed, and dated by the CQC System Manager indicating action taken.
Proposed deviations from the contract requirements shall be clearly
identified. Submittals shall include items such as: Contractor's,
manufacturer's, or fabricator's drawings; descriptive literature including
(but not limited to) catalog cuts, diagrams, operating charts or curves;
test reports; test cylinders; samples; O&M manuals (including parts list);
certifications; warranties; and other such required submittals. Submittals
requiring Government approval shall be scheduled and made prior to the
acquisition of the material or equipment covered thereby. Samples
remaining upon completion of the work shall be picked up and disposed of in
compliance with existing laws and regulations.
Use the first bracketed sentence of the
paragraph if the Contractor is required by the
contract to use the Quality Control System (QCS).
Use the second bracketed sentence of the paragraph
if the Contractor will not be required by the
contract to use the Quality Control System (QCS).
It may not be necessary or beneficial to use the QCS
in small, simple, short duration contracts/delivery
orders for construction, or for other contracts
where its use would not be in the best interest of
the Government.
A submittal register or a submittal list is not a
part of this guide specification; a register or
listing must be developed locally for each project.
When creating a new section not covered by guide
specifications, the following guidelines must be
1. The submittal paragraph must be in PART 1 and
entitled "1.x SUBMITTALS" ("x" represents any main
paragraph number).
2. Each submittal category (SD-## Title) used must
be identified in the submittal paragraph and
surrounded by a set of submittal tags.
3. Items requiring a submittal are listed below the
submittal categories (SD-## Title) surrounded by a
set of submittal tags. If the submittal item is
repeated elsewhere in a paragraph outside the
submittal paragraph and that paragraph establishes
the requirements for the item, the item should be
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