may begin.
Show estimated duration (in workdays) to complete each activity
started but not completed (remaining duration).
Indicate percentage of cost payable and percent of work
as separate and independent entries for each activity.
assignment of an Actual Finish date to an activity does
not imply
that the activity's percent of payment will be statused
to 100%.
Reflect changes in the network diagram. All changes (i.e.,
remaining duration changes, logic changes, new logic, conformed
change orders, new activities, changes due to Conformed
Modifications, changes in work sequence, entry of as-built
relationship logic, etc.) shall be recorded and a note added to
the activity log field. The log shall include as a minimum, the
date and reason for the change, and description of the change.
Submit [two][____] copies of a Narrative Report describing: 1)
Progress made in each area of the project; 2) Changes in the
following; activities, original durations, logic
interdependencies, milestones, planned sequence of operations,
critical path, and resource and loading; 3) Pending items and
status thereof, including permits, change orders, and time
extensions; 4) Status of Contract Completion Date and interim
milestones; 5) Current and anticipated delays (describe cause of
the delay and corrective action(s)); and 6) Description of current
and future schedule problem areas. Each entry in the narrative
report will cite the respective Activity ID and Activity
Submit [two][_____] copies of the reports listed in paragraph
entitled "Required Tabular Reports".
[Two][_____] hard copies of the network diagrams and [two][_____]
sets of data disks.
Submit [two][_____] copies of the Update Meeting minutes.
Summary Network
NOTE: Before specifying Summary Networks, verify
with the ROICC Office that the Summary will be
useful on the project being designed. Choose type
of summary to be provided. Area Code will be the
typical sequence to choose unless the project is
Phased, at which time either (but not both) may be
A summary network shall have the same network format as the Baseline
Network Analysis Schedule. The summary network will contain a minimal
number of activities that represent the general approach of work sequence.
The Summary will be a time-scaled logical sequence of [Phase Code][Area
Code]. The Contractor shall submit a summary network diagram along with
the Baseline Network Analysis Schedule. A summary network update shall be
submitted every [6][_____] months during the contract duration and
immediately following acceptance of each major schedule change. Submit the
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