worked on the activities during the construction period.]]
Preliminary Meeting
Prior to the preparation of the Construction Network Analysis Schedule for
acceptance; the Contracting Officer, Contractor and the scheduler shall
participate in a preliminary meeting to discuss the proposed schedule and
requirements of this section prior to submission of the network.
Discussions shall include: 1) Which construction activities may have
delivered material costs included (e.g., concrete placement, etc.), 2)
Which procurement activities will have material/equipment costs separated
from their respective construction activity costs (e.g., any stored
equipment, etc.) and, 3) Which procurement and construction activities will
have separate testing/inspection costs; per the paragraph entitled "Cost
Loading Activities".
Design Network Analysis Schedule
NOTE: When Design-Build is being used in a project,
use this paragraph. When the Fast-Tracking is
required or an option for the project, include the
first bracketed sentence of this paragraph.
NOTE: When WebCM is a requirement on this project,
use the second set of bracketed sentences and delete
the third bracketed sentence of this paragraph.
Submit the Design Network Analysis Schedule defining the planned operations
during the design phase(s) of the contract. The general (summarized)
approach for the construction phase(s) of the project shall be indicated.
Include any administrative submittals and review periods that will be
required prior to start of construction (e.g., QC Plan, EP Plan, AP Plan,
Construction Schedule, Demo Plan, etc.) Cost of activities expected to be
completed or partially completed before submission of the Baseline Network
Analysis Schedule shall be included.[ When the project is being
Fast-Tracked, the Design Network Analysis Schedule shall include all
fast-tracked design phases, including the required or proposed design
submittals within each phase that will occur during the duration of the
project.] Submit three copies of both the design network diagrams and
reports listed in paragraph entitled "Required Tabular Reports." In
accordance with paragraph entitled "Monthly Network Analysis Updates" the
design network may be used for requesting progress payments for a period
not to exceed the design phase(s) of the contract. Submittal and
acceptance of the Design Network Analysis Schedule is condition precedent
to the processing of the Contractor's pay requests on this schedule. The
activities and relationships of the design schedule shall coincide and mesh
with the activities of the Baseline Network Analysis Schedule. As part of
this submittal, provide the Project Name format (and Project Group Name if
used) that will be used by the Contractor to identify initial schedule
submittals, updates, fragnets, changes, etc. [Backed-up native files (.prx
or .stx) for the schedule submittal will be posted to the NAVFAC WebCM
internet site, as directed by the Contracting Officer. The project
schedule will also be posted in the format specified as an Adobe PDF file
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