activity will be recorded in the monthly updated schedules and
will coincide with entries made in the Daily Reports.]
Equipment Resource loading: As part of the Baseline Schedule
development each construction activity shall have an estimate of
the equipment used per day, number of units per day and total
expected hours for each piece of equipment used during the
duration of the activity. Include a description of the major
items of construction equipment planned for each construction
activity on the project. The description shall include the year,
make, model, and capacity. If no equipment is required for an
activity, then the activity shall be identified as using zero
equipment per day. All equipment resources loaded into the
schedule shall be non-driving and will not be used to calculate
activity cost or duration. Resource leveling shall not be used.[
Actual equipment resource expended on an activity will be recorded
in the monthly updated schedules and will coincide with entries
made in the Daily Reports.]]
Anticipated Weather Delays
Schedule activity duration(s) shall be formulated with allowance for normal
adverse weather conditions. Any activity duration, which could be impacted
by normally anticipated adverse weather (precipitation, high or low
temperature, wind, etc.), due to the time period that the Contractor has
scheduled the work, shall include an adjustment to include the anticipated
weather delay. The Contractor shall anticipate delay by comparing the
contractually imposed environmental restrictions in the Contract Documents
to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association's (NOAA) historical
monthly averages for the NOAA location [at (Enter NOAA Station
here)][closest to the project site]. The number of anticipated adverse
weather delays allocated to an activity will be reflected in the activity's
calendar. A lost workday, due to weather conditions, is defined as a day
in which the Contractor's workforce cannot work 50 percent or more of the
day on the impacted activity(s). The Contractor shall immediately notify
the Contracting Officer when a lost day has occurred due to weather, will
record on the Daily Reports the occurrence of adverse weather and resultant
impact to the normally scheduled work. If the number of actual adverse
weather delay days exceeds the number of days anticipated, the Contracting
Officer will convert any qualifying delays to calendar days, giving full
consideration for equivalent fair weather work days and issue a
modification in accordance with the contract clauses.
Schedule Software Settings and Restrictions
Activity Constraints: Date/time constraint(s), other than those
required by the contract, will not be allowed unless accepted by
the Contracting Officer. Contractor will identify any constraints
proposed and provide an explanation for the purpose of the
constraint in the Narrative Report.
Lags: Lags will not be used when the creation of an activity will
perform the same function (e.g., concrete cure time). Lag
durations contained in the project schedule shall not have a
negative value. Contractor will identify any lag proposed and
provide an explanation for the purpose of the lag in the Narrative
Default Progress Data Disallowed:
Actual Start and Finish dates
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