schedule and current updated schedule. Identify the name of the
previous schedule and name of the current schedule being compared.
This report will as a minimum show changes for: Added & Deleted
Activities, Original Durations, Remaining Durations, Activity
Percent Complete, Total Float, Free Float, Calendars,
Descriptions, Constraints (added, deleted or changed), Actual
Starts/Finishes, Added/Deleted Resources, Resource Quantities,
Costs, Resource Percents, Added/Deleted Relations, Changed
Relation Lags, Changed Driving Relations, and Changed Critical
Activity ID Report: By activity number in ascending order
showing the current status of all activities.]
Total Float Report: List of all activities by total float in
ascending order and then in order of [activity number][early start
Early Start Report: By earliest allowable start dates and then
in order of activity number.]
30-Day Look Ahead: Activities in progress or scheduled to start
or finish within the next 30 calendar days of the project Data
Date or is continuing through the 30 day period.]
Predecessor/Successor Report: By activity number from lowest to
highest, showing preceding and succeeding activity numbers for
each activity and showing the current status of each activity.]
NOTE: Include the following two paragraphs if
resource loading is specified in the paragraph
entitled "Cost and Resource Loading". If resource
loading is required, determine if only the Baseline
Network Analysis Schedule will be loaded or if
actual resource allocation is tracked in each
update. Tracking actual resources will increase the
cost of project scheduling and the information
should be available from the Daily Reports.
Labor Staffing Report and Histogram: With each Baseline Network
Analysis Schedule submittal[ and each updated schedule], a planned
early and planned late[ versus actual] labor resource report and
histogram will be provided.[ The report and histogram shall be
based upon and shall be in agreement with, the number of shifts
and crew sizes by craft, in the Baseline Network Analysis Schedule
(planned) and the Monthly Network Update (actual). Included in
the report will be a tabular listing of each trade that worked on
the activities during the construction period.]
Equipment Usage Report and Histogram: With each Baseline Network
Analysis Schedule submittal[ and each updated schedule], a planned
early and planned late[ versus actual] equipment resource report
and histogram will be provided.[ The report and histogram shall
be based upon and shall be in agreement with the equipment
allocation in the Baseline Network Analysis Schedule (planned) and
the Monthly Network Update (actual). Included in the report will
be a tabular listing of equipment (by year, make and model) that
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