The Contractor shall submit a Time Impact Analysis (TIA)
illustrating the influence of each change or delay on the Contract
Completion Date or milestones. Unless the Contracting Officer
requests an interim update to the schedule, the current monthly
updated schedule accepted by the Government shall be used to
display the impacts of the change. Unless requested by the
Contracting Officer, no other non-conformed changes will be
incorporated into the schedule being used to justify the change
Each TIA shall include a Fragmentary Network (fragnet)
demonstrating how the Contractor proposes to incorporate the
impact into the project schedule. A fragnet is defined as the
sequence of new activities and/or activity revisions, logic
relationships and resource changes that are proposed to be added
to the existing schedule to demonstrate the influence of impacts
to the schedule. The fragnet shall identify the predecessors to
the new activities and demonstrate the impacts to successor
activities. The Contractor shall provide a hardcopy printout of
the fragnet activities and relationships being added and also
insert the fragnet into the most current, accepted Monthly Network
Analysis Update, run the schedule calculations and submit the
impacted schedule with the proposal, claim, etc. Include a
narrative report describing the effects of new activities and
relationships to interim and contract completion dates, with each
TIA. Submit time extension requests with a Time Impact Analysis
and three hardcopies of the fragnet (in a graphic format),
impacted schedule (with fragnet loaded), Total Float Report,
Narrative Report and Log Report.
Following the Contractor's receipt of a contract modification on a
Standard Form 30 signed by the Government; all changes in the
fragnet used to determine impacts, shall be incorporated into the
schedule. Changes to the schedule will occur during the next
monthly schedule update meeting.
No Reservation-Of-Rights
All direct costs, indirect costs, and time extensions will be negotiated
and made full, equitable and final at the time of modification issuance.
If changes in the method of operating and scheduling are desired, the
Contracting Officer shall be notified in writing stating the reasons for
the change. If the Contracting Officer considers these changes to be of a
major nature, the Contractor may be required to revise and submit for
acceptance, without additional cost to the Government, the network diagrams
and required reports. A change may be considered of a major nature if the
estimated time required or actually used for an activity or the network
logic has varied from the original plan to a degree that there is a
reasonable doubt as to the effect on the contract completion date(s)[ or
phase completion dates]. Changes that affect activities with adequate
float time shall be considered a major change when their cumulative effect
could extend the contract completion date.
Use of float suppression techniques, such as; preferential sequencing
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