When the enclosure integrity of such equipment is specified to be
in accordance with NEMA C57.12.28 or NEMA C57.12.29, such as for
pad-mounted transformers[ and pad-mounted SF6 switches], provide
self-adhesive warning signs on the outside of the high voltage
compartment door(s). Sign shall be a decal and shall have nominal
dimensions of 178 by 255 mm (7 by 10 inches) 7 by 10 inches with
the legend "DANGER HIGH VOLTAGE" printed in two lines of nominal
50 mm (2 inch) 2 inch high letters. The word "DANGER" shall be in
white letters on a red background and the words "HIGH VOLTAGE"
shall be in black letters on a white background. Decal shall be
Panduit No. PPSO710D72 or approved equal.
When such equipment is guarded by a fence, mount signs on the
fence. Provide metal signs having nominal dimensions of 355 by
255 mm (14 by 10 inches) 14 by 10 inches with the legend "DANGER
HIGH VOLTAGE KEEP OUT" printed in three lines of nominal 75 mm (3
inch) 3 inch high white letters on a red and black field.]
NOTE: Verify cable labeling requirements with the
local Activity. Provide lead cable tags only when
specifically required by the Activity.
Provide tags for each power and telecommunications cable or wire located in
manholes, handholes, and vaults. The tags shall be polyethylene[ or sheet
lead]. Do not provide handwritten letters. [The first position on the
power cable tag shall denote the voltage. The second through [sixth]
[_____] positions on the tag shall identify the circuit. [The next to last
position shall denote the phase of the circuit and shall include the Greek
"phi" symbol.] The last position shall denote the cable size.] As an
example, a tag could have the following designation: "11.5 NAS 1-8(Phase
A)500," denoting that the tagged cable is on the 11.5kV system circuit
number NAS 1-8, underground, Phase A, sized at 500 kcmil. The labeling of
telecommunications cable tags shall comply with TIA/EIA-606-A. [Tag legend
shall be as indicated.]
Polyethylene Cable Tags
Provide tags of polyethylene that have an average tensile strength of 22.4
MPa (3250 pounds per square inch) 3250 pounds per square inch; and that are
two millimeter (0.08 inch) 0.08 inch thick (minimum), non-corrosive
non-conductive; resistive to acids, alkalis, organic solvents, and salt
water; and distortion resistant to 77 degrees C 170 degrees F. Provide 1.3
mm (0.05 inch) 0.05 inch (minimum) thick black polyethylene tag holder.
Provide a one-piece nylon, self-locking tie at each end of the cable tag.
Ties shall have a minimum loop tensile strength of 778.75 N (175 pounds)
175 pounds. The cable tags shall have black block letters, numbers, and
symbols 25 mm (one inch) one inch high on a yellow background. Letters,
numbers, and symbols shall not fall off or change positions regardless of
the cable tags' orientation.
Lead Cable Tags
NOTE: Provide lead cable tags only when specifically
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