Functional Performance Test Checklist - VAV Terminals
The Contracting officer will select VAV terminals to be spot-checked during
the functional performance test. The number of terminals shall not exceed
[2] [10] [10 percent].
1. Functional Performance Test: Contractor shall demonstrate operation of
selected VAV boxes as per specifications including the following:
Cooling only VAV boxes:
(1) Verify VAV box response to room temperature set point
adjustment. Turn thermostat to 5 degrees F above ambient and measure maximum
air flow. Turn thermostat to 5 degrees F below ambient and measure minimum
air flow.
Maximum flow
[_____] L/s
Minimum flow
[_____] L/s
Maximum flow
[_____] cfm
Minimum flow
[_____] cfm
Check damper maximum/minimum flow settings.
Maximum flow setting
[_____] L/s
Minimum flow setting
[_____] L/s
Maximum flow setting
[_____] cfm
Minimum flow setting
[_____] cfm
Cooling with reheat VAV boxes:
(1) Verify VAV box response to room temperature set point adjustment.
Turn thermostat to 3 degrees C 5 degrees F above ambient and measure maximum
air flow. Turn thermostat to 3 degrees C 5 degrees F below ambient and
measure minimum air flow.
Maximum flow
[_____] L/s
Minimum flow
[_____] L/s
Maximum flow
[_____] cfm
Minimum flow
[_____] cfm
Check damper maximum/minimum flow settings.
Maximum flow setting
[_____] L/s
Minimum flow setting
[_____] L/s
Maximum flow setting
[_____] cfm
Minimum flow setting
[_____] cfm
Reheat coil operation range (full open to full closed)
Fan powered VAV boxes:
(1) Verify VAV box response to sensor call for heating via set
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