Functional Performance Test Checklist - Variable Volume Air Handling Unit
For Air Handling Unit: [_____]
Unoccupied mode of operation
All dampers in normal position.
(2) Verify low limit space temperature is maintained as specified
in sequence of operation.
e. The following shall be verified when the [supply fan off] [supply
and return fans off] mode is initiated:
All dampers in normal position.
All valves in normal position.
Fan de-energizes.
f. Verify the chilled water coil control valve operation by setting
all VAV's to maximum and minimum cooling.
Max cooling Min cooling
Supply air volume (_____ L/s)
Supply air temp.
(_____ degrees C)
Max cooling Min cooling
Supply air volume
_____ cfm)
Supply air temp.
(_____ degrees F)
Verify safety shut down initiated by smoke detectors.
h. Verify safety shut down initiated by low temperature protection
thermostat. ________________________________________________________________
2. Certification: We the undersigned have witnessed the above functional
performance tests and certify that the item tested has met the performance
requirements in this section of the specifications.
Signature and Date
Contractor's Chief Quality Control Representative
Contractor's Mechanical Representative
Contractor's Electrical Representative
Contractor's Testing, Adjusting and Balancing Representative
Contractor's Controls Representative
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