Functional Performance Test Checklist - Cooling Tower
For Cooling Tower:
1. Functional Performance Test: Contractor shall demonstrate operation of
the cooling tower as per specification and the following:
This should first start condenser water pump, establish flow, delay fan
start, as specified, to equalize flow in distribution basin and sump. Verify
fan start after timed delay.
and two-speed fan motor to maintain condenser water set point. Verify
function of bypass valve under varying loads.
Verify cooling tower interlock with chiller.
d. Verify makeup water float valve is functioning: ___________________
Activate chemical treatment feed valve, verify makeup of chemical treatment
system, pump, and controls:
Entering water temperature
degrees C
Leaving water temperature:
degrees C
Air volume measured:
Air volume calculated:
Entering wet bulb temperature:
degrees C
Measured water flow:
Entering water temperature
degrees F
Leaving water temperature:
degrees F
Air volume measured:
Air volume calculated:
Entering wet bulb temperature:
degrees F
Measured water flow:
2. Certification: We the undersigned have witnessed the above functional
performance tests and certify that the item tested has met the performance
requirements in this section of the specifications.
Signature and Date
Contractor's Chief Quality Control Representative
Contractor's Mechanical Representative
Contractor's Electrical Representative
Contractor's Testing, Adjusting and Balancing Representative
Contractor's Controls Representative
Contracting Officer's Representative
Using Agency's Representative
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