described in the pump curves and pump plans included in [____].]
Site Ambient Conditions: The site characteristics are as
described in paragraph PROJECT/SITE CONDITIONS.
NOTES: The engine shaft can be connected to the
gear box by either a flexible coupling or universal
joint assembly. In cases where the engine is large
or the operating floor space is limited, a flexible
coupling would be more appropriate. Manufacturer's
recommendations should be solicited for arrangement
alternatives. The designer should determine the
configuration of the day tank, main fuel storage
tank, and engine injection ports. If the main
storage fuel tank is the lowest point in the engine
fuel oil to the day tank.
Delete all requirements for a day tank if natural
gas fueled engines are specified.
Each engine, as shown and specified, is to be used as the prime mover for
the vertical pump.[ The engine shaft shall be connected to the reducer
input shaft with two universal joints and an intermediate shaft.][ The
engine shaft shall be connected to the reducer input shaft with a flexible
coupling.] The Contractor shall coordinate among the manufacturers of the
[diesel] [natural gas fueled] engine, gear reducer, and the pump
manufacturer to ensure the compatibility of these components including, but
not limited to, the proper fit of engine and reducer shafts, the
interaction of major components, and control of safety and alarm signals.[
Fuel for each engine shall be supplied by an individual day tank located
near the engine and in accordance with NFPA 37.] [Fuel oil will be
[supplied by gravity] [pumped] to day tank from outside storage tanks.]
[Natural gas will be supplied to the fuel solenoid shutoff valve to be
supplied on the engine.] A cooling system shall be used to maintain engine
manufacturer. A starting system shall be furnished along with necessary
accessories for engine start-up. Each engine shall have a completely
independent lubrication [and pre-lubrication] system with an engine-driven
primary pump.
Standard Products
Materials and equipment comprising the engine drive system shall be the
standard products of manufacturers regularly engaged in the production of
[diesel][natural gas fueled] engine pump drives and shall essentially
duplicate products which have been used satisfactorily for at least two
years prior to bid opening. An offer proposing an experimental engine, one
having a lesser or greater number of cylinders than the offerers' standard
production engines, or one without a demonstrated satisfactory service
record as a full [diesel][natural gas fueled] engine operating not less
than 1,200 hr a year at not less than 75 percent rated load, will be
rejected. All products shall be new.
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