Elevator Inspector
NOTE: Use the first bracketed paragraph where the
Elevator Inspector will be furnished by the
Contractor. Use the second bracketed paragraph for
all Navy projects where a NAVFAC Certified Inspector
is available (except in Hawaii) or for Army or Air
Force projects where the services of a Government
furnished Elevator Inspector is available and
preferable to the designer and customer. The
services of a NAVFAC Certified Inspector may be
available for an Army and Air Force project. Use
the reference to licensing by the state of [_____]
only in the State of [_____]. Note that the source
of the Elevator Inspector will impact the funding
required, therefore the options should be thoroughly
considered and decided upon as early in the design
process as possible, preferably at the Predesign
Conference. Where the Elevator Inspector is not
required, delete the submittal requirement for
Certificates listed under SD-07. Similarly, delete
the submittal requirement for under SD-07 for
projects not in Hawaii.
1) [The Elevator Inspector shall be [certified in accordance with the
requirements of ASME A17.1] [and licensed by the State of [_____] in
elevator repair]. The Certified Elevator Inspector shall inspect the
installation of the elevator(s) to assure that the installation conforms
with all contract requirements. The Elevator Inspector is directly
employed by the Prime Contractor and is independent of the Elevator System
Manufacturer and the Elevator Specialist, witnesses the acceptance
inspections and tests, approving all results signs and certifies the
successful results. The Elevator Inspector, after completion of the
acceptance inspections and tests, shall certify in writing that the
installation is accordance with the contract requirements. Bring any
discrepancy to the attention of the Contracting Officer in writing, no
later than three working days after the discrepancy is discovered.]
2) [The Elevator Inspector is provided by the Government to inspect the
installation of the elevator(s) to assure that the installation conforms to
all contract requirements. The Elevator Inspector is responsible for
signing and certifying the successful results. The Elevator Inspector,
writing that the installation is accordance with the contract requirements.]
Welders' Qualifications
Comply with AWS D1.1/D1.1M, Part 4 Qualifications. Provide certified
copies of welders' qualifications. List welders'names with corresponding
code marks to identify each welder's work.
NOTE: If elevator is located in remote location,
confirm the necessity for the 1 hour response time
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