may perform in-house testing. Manufacturers not ISO 9001 qualified shall
be required to produce testing by an independent testing laboratory.
Component specific requirements are listed in appropriate paragraphs.
Selected Components
Workstations shall conform to the requirements of BIFMA X5.5 and BIFMA X5.6
with the following exceptions: Panels, spine walls and panel, or spine
wall supported components shall be tested and pass in accordance with the
requirements of BIFMA X5.6 and representative items shall be selected for
testing based on worst case situations (i.e., the deepest and widest work
surface or shelf). The keyboard drawer or shelf test shall be performed
applying a 19 kg 50 lb load to the center of the keyboard shelf for a
period of 5 minutes. Any loosening of attachments, permanent deflection or
damage to the operation of the drawer or shelf will be cause for rejection.
NOTE: Acoustical panels and acoustical frame covers
will not be used when panel-hung storage units cover
more than half the panel surface. In these
situations the acoustical advantage is lost and the
stronger non-acoustical unit is less expensive.
Acoustical performance ratings should be based upon
the workstation design. While NRC and STC ratings
contribute to overall acoustical performance, the
acoustical role of panels is relatively minimal in
the overall environment when compared to sound
absorptive properties of other finish surfaces. In
addition, panel hung components greatly reduce the
quantity of acoustical contributing area. For this
reason, acoustical panels and acoustical frame
covers will not be used behind storage components,
nor will acoustical frame covers be used lower than
750 mm (30 inches) above the floor. Most major
manufacturers do not comply with the higher 0.80 NRC
and 24 STC without providing their more costly high
performance panels. The designer must determine if
the additional acoustical performance is worth the
added cost to the Government. Designer must
coordinate NRC and STC requirements for panel
heights above 1200 mm (48 inches).
Delete paragraph if acoustical panels are not
Acoustical panels shall have a minimum noise reduction coefficient (NRC) of
[0.65] [0.80] [_____] when tested in accordance with ASTM C 423 and a
minimum sound transfer coefficient (STC) of [14] [20] [24] [26] [_____]
when tested in accordance with ASTM E 290. The test shall be conducted on
the entire assembled panel, full face area (the complete core, adhesive,
decorative fabric, frame and joining components).
Fire Safety
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