support foot traffic and construction loads is unknown. Make provisions
for worker safety during demolition and installation of new materials as
described in paragraphs entitled "Statements" and "Regulatory and Safety
When removing the existing roofing system from the roof deck, remove only
as much roofing as can be recovered by the end of the work day, unless
approved otherwise by the Contracting Officer. Do not attempt to open the
roof covering system in threatening weather. Reseal all openings prior to
suspension of work the same day.
Sawcut and remove masonry so as to prevent damage to surfaces to remain
[and to facilitate the installation of new work]. Where new masonry
adjoins existing, the new work shall abut or tie into the existing
construction as [indicated] [specified for the new work]. Provide square,
straight edges and corners where existing masonry adjoins new work and
other locations.
Saw concrete along straight lines to a depth of a minimum 50 mm 2 inch.
Make each cut in walls perpendicular to the face and in alignment with the
cut in the opposite face. Break out the remainder of the concrete provided
that the broken area is concealed in the finished work, and the remaining
concrete is sound. At locations where the broken face cannot be concealed,
grind smooth or saw cut entirely through the concrete.
Structural Steel
NOTE: Delete structural steel and miscellaneous
metals only if it is determined that there are no
existing metals or structural steel to be recycled
or salvaged.
Dismantle structural steel at field connections and in a manner that will
prevent bending or damage. Salvage and recycle structural steel, steel
joists, girders, angles, plates, columns and shapes. [Do not use
flame-cutting torches] [Flame-cutting torches are permitted when other
methods of dismantling are not practical]. Transport steel joists and
girders as whole units and not dismantled. Transport structural steel
shapes to a designated storage area, stacked according to size, type of
member and length, and stored off the ground, protected from the weather.
Miscellaneous Metal
Salvage shop-fabricated items such as access doors and frames, steel
gratings, metal ladders, wire mesh partitions, metal railings, metal
windows and similar items as whole units. Salvage light-gage and
cold-formed metal framing, such as steel studs, steel trusses, metal
gutters, roofing and siding, metal toilet partitions, toilet accessories
and similar items. [Scrap metal shall become the Contractor's property.
Recycle scrap metal to the greatest extent possible as part of demolition
operations. Provide separate containers to collect scrap metal and
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