Existing Work
Before beginning any demolition work, survey the site and examine the
drawings and specifications to determine the extent of the work. Record
existing work in the presence of the Contracting Officer showing the
condition of structures and other facilities adjacent to areas of
alteration or removal. Photographs sized 100 mm 4 inch will be acceptable
as a record of existing conditions. Include in the record the elevation of
the top of foundation walls, the location and extent of cracks and other
damage and description of surface conditions that exist prior to before
starting work.
Items to Remain in Place
Take necessary precautions to avoid damage to existing items to remain in
place, to be reused, or to remain the property of the Government. Repair
or replace damaged items as approved by the Contracting Officer.
Coordinate the work of this section with all other work indicated.
Construct and maintain shoring, bracing, and supports as required. Ensure
that structural elements are not overloaded. Increase structural supports
or add new supports as may be required as a result of any cutting, removal,
or demolition work performed under this contract. Do not overload
[structural elements] [pavements to remain]. Provide new supports and
reinforcement for existing construction weakened by demolition or removal
work. Repairs, reinforcement, or structural replacement require approval
by the Contracting Officer prior to performing such work.
Existing Construction
Do not disturb existing construction beyond the extent indicated or
necessary for installation of new construction. Provide temporary shoring
and bracing for support of building components to prevent settlement or
other movement. Provide protective measures to control accumulation and
migration of dust and dirt in all work areas. Remove dust, dirt, and
debris from work areas daily.
Weather Protection
For portions of the building to remain, protect building interior and
materials and equipment from the weather at all times. Where removal of
existing roofing is necessary to accomplish work, have materials and
workmen ready to provide adequate and temporary covering of exposed areas.
Protect trees within the project site which might be damaged during
demolition, and which are indicated to be left in place, by a 1.8 m 6 foot
high fence. Erect and secure fence a minimum of 1.5 m 5 feet from the
trunk of individual trees or follow the outer perimeter of branches or
clumps of trees. Replace any tree designated to remain that is damaged
during the work under this contract with like-kind or as approved by the
Contracting Officer.
Utility Service
NOTE: Delete the first bracketed sentence when the
Contractor will disconnect and seal utilities.
Delete the second bracketed sentence when the
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