utilities, and modify the requirements herein as
Remove existing utilities [, as indicated] [uncovered by work] and
terminate in a manner conforming to the nationally recognized code covering
the specific utility and approved by the Contracting Officer. When utility
lines are encountered that are not indicated on the drawings, the
Contracting Officer shall be notified prior to further work in that area.
Remove meters and related equipment and deliver to a location [on the
station] in accordance with instructions of the Contracting Officer.
Chain Link Fencing
Remove chain link fencing, gates and other related salvaged items scheduled
for removal and transport to designated areas. Remove gates as whole
units. Cut chain link fabric to [_____] 7 m 25 foot lengths and store in
rolls off the groung.
Paving and Slabs
NOTE: Delete requirements if inapplicable.
[Remove [ground] [scarified] [sawcut] concrete and asphaltic concrete
paving and slabs [including aggregate base] [as indicated] to a depth of
[_____] mm inches below [existing adjacent] [new finish] grade. [Provide
neat sawcuts at limits of pavement removal as indicated.]]
NOTE: Delete requirements if inapplicable.
Where suspect deck conditions are encountered during
design investigation, identify and include
appropriate repair and safety provisions in the
design documents to draw attention to the suspect
areas and the need for additional safety precautions.
[Remove existing roof system and associated components in their entirety
down to existing roof deck.] [Remove [built-up] [single-ply] roofing to
effect the connections with new flashing or roofing.] [Remove gravel
surfacing from existing roofing felts for a minimum distance of 450 mm 18
inches back from the cut. Remove gravel without damaging felts.] [Cut
existing [felts] [membrane] [and insulation] along straight lines.]
[Remove roofing system [and insulation] without damaging the roof deck.]
Sequence work to minimize building exposure between demolition and new roof
materials installation.
Temporary Roofing
Install temporary roofing and flashing as necessary to maintain a
watertight condition throughout the course of the work. Remove temporary
work prior to installation of permanent roof system materials unless
approved otherwise by the Contracting Officer. [The existing [deck] [and
support structure] is deteriorated where indicated, such that ability to
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