preliminary to advertising the subject contract for
bids. A portion of this contract will be concerned
with the ownership of the materials in the
structure(s) and the contents of the building(s) to
be demolished. It is normal practice to specify
that the structures, and all equipment or other
material inside the structures at the time the
contract is advertised for bids, become the property
of the Contractor.
2. Accordingly, it is requested that this activity
be advised of the existence of any material or
equipment within the limits of the contract which is
to remain the property of the Government. A
negative reply is requested. If there is any
material or equipment in this category, it is
requested that action be initiated to remove it from
the limits of the contract. If prompt removal is
impractical, it will be necessary for the station to
make a complete inventory of, and tag or mark, each
item which is to remain the property of the
Government. A copy of the inventory, a description
of the tag or mark used, and the desired disposition
of the item must be forwarded to this activity for
inclusion in the specification or bidding documents.
3. In the past, this activity has experienced
considerable difficulty where a building evacuated
prior to demolition is then used to store other
material or equipment temporarily and the items were
in storage during the bid advertising period. Upon
award of the contract, the Contractor claimed the
material and either removed it or claimed and was
awarded compensation for it. Therefore, it is
requested that the structure(s) to be demolished
which are included in this contract not be used for
temporary storage during the bid advertising period.
4. It is requested that the reply to this letter be
sent to this activity not later than [60] [_____]
days after the date of this letter. Failure to do
so may result in unnecessary cost to the Government
in claims.
a. Insert name of contract and identify
buildings(s) to be included under contract. Further
revise as necessary to suit conditions.
Except for salvaged items specified in related Sections, and for materials
or equipment scheduled for salvage, all materials and equipment removed and
not reused or salvaged, shall become the property of the Contractor and
from demolition, and materials and equipment to be removed, is vested in
the Contractor upon approval by the Contracting Officer of the Contractor's
demolition and removal procedures, and authorization by the Contracting
Officer to begin demolition. The Government will not be responsible for
the condition or loss of, or damage to, such property after contract award.
Materials and equipment shall not be viewed by prospective purchasers or
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