providing the version where applicable.
Omit this paragraph if manually prepared drawings
are required for the project.
Only personnel proficient in the preparation of CADD drawings shall be
employed to modify the contract drawings or prepare additional new
drawings. Additions and corrections to the contract drawings shall be
equal in quality and detail to that of the originals. Line colors, line
weights, lettering, layering conventions, and symbols shall be the same as
the original line colors, line weights, lettering, layering conventions,
and symbols. If additional drawings are required, they shall be prepared
using the specified electronic file format applying the same graphic
standards specified for original drawings. The title block and drawing
border to be used for any new final as-built drawings shall be identical to
that used on the contract drawings. Additions and corrections to the
contract drawings shall be accomplished using CADD files. The Contractor
will be furnished "as-designed" drawings in [AutoCad Release [12] [13]
[14]] [Microstation [95] [SE] [J][_____]] format compatible with a [[UNIX]
[MS-DOS] [MS-DOS/Windows] [Windows NT] [_____]] operating system. The
electronic files will be supplied on [3-1/2 inch high density floppy disks
(for projects with electronic digital files or sets of files less than or
equal to 4 diskettes)] [[8] [4] mm tape cartridge] [R/W optical disk]
[compact disc, read-only memory (CD-ROM)]. The Contractor shall be
responsible for providing all program files and hardware necessary to
prepare final as-built drawings. The Contracting Officer will review final
as-built drawings for accuracy and the Contractor shall make required
corrections, changes, additions, and deletions.
a. CADD colors shall be the "base" colors of red, green, and blue.
Color code for changes shall be as follows:
(1) Deletions (red) - Deleted graphic items (lines) shall be
colored red with red lettering in notes and leaders.
(2) Additions (Green) - Added items shall be drawn in green with
green lettering in notes and leaders.
(3) Special (Blue) - Items requiring special information,
coordination, or special detailing or detailing notes shall be in
b. The Contract Drawing files shall be renamed in a manner related to
the contract number (i.e., 98-C-10.DGN) as instructed in the
Pre-Construction conference. Marked-up changes shall be made only to those
renamed files. All changes shall be made on the layer/level as the
original item. There shall be no deletions of existing lines; existing
lines shall be over struck in red. Additions shall be in green with line
weights the same as the drawing. Special notes shall be in blue on layer
c. When final revisions have been completed, the cover sheet drawing
shall show the wording "RECORD DRAWING AS-BUILT" followed by the name of
the Contractor in letters at least 5 mm 3/16 inch high. All other contract
drawings shall be marked either "AS-Built" drawing denoting no revisions on
the sheet or "Revised As-Built" denoting one or more revisions. Original
contract drawings shall be dated in the revision block.
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