prepared drawings or CADD files compatible with the
customers CADD system.
One set of [mylar drawings revised to reflect all bid amendments will be
provided by the Government at the preconstruction conference for projects
requiring manually prepared as-built drawings] [electronic CADD files in
the specified software and format revised to reflect all bid amendments
will be provided by the Government at the preconstruction conference for
projects requiring CADD file as-built drawings].
Working As-Built and Final As-Built Drawings
The Contractor shall revise [2] [_____] sets of paper drawings by red-line
process to show the as-built conditions during the prosecution of the
project. These working as-built marked drawings shall be kept current on a
weekly basis and at least one set shall be available on the jobsite at all
times. Changes from the contract plans which are made in the work or
additional information which might be uncovered in the course of
construction shall be accurately and neatly recorded as they occur by means
of details and notes. Final as-built drawings shall be prepared after the
completion of each definable feature of work as listed in the Contractor
Quality Control Plan (Foundations, Utilities, Structural Steel, etc., as
appropriate for the project). The working as-built marked prints and final
as-built drawings will be jointly reviewed for accuracy and completeness by
the Contracting Officer and the Contractor prior to submission of each
monthly pay estimate. If the Contractor fails to maintain the working and
final as-built drawings as specified herein, the Contracting Officer will
deduct from the monthly progress payment an amount representing the
estimated cost of maintaining the as-built drawings. This monthly
deduction will continue until an agreement can be reached between the
Contracting Officer and the Contractor regarding the accuracy and
completeness of updated drawings. The working and final as-built drawings
shall show, but shall not be limited to, the following information:
a. The actual location, kinds and sizes of all sub-surface utility
lines. In order that the location of these lines and appurtenances may be
determined in the event the surface openings or indicators become covered
over or obscured, the as-built drawings shall show, by offset dimensions to
two permanently fixed surface features, the end of each run including each
change in direction. Valves, splice boxes and similar appurtenances shall
be located by dimensioning along the utility run from a reference point.
The average depth below the surface of each run shall also be recorded.
b. The location and dimensions of any changes within the building
c. Correct grade, elevations, cross section, or alignment of roads,
earthwork, structures or utilities if any changes were made from contract
d. Changes in details of design or additional information obtained
from working drawings specified to be prepared and/or furnished by the
Contractor; including but not limited to fabrication, erection,
installation plans and placing details, pipe sizes, insulation material,
dimensions of equipment foundations, etc.
e. The topography, invert elevations and grades of drainage installed
or affected as part of the project construction.
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