d. Within [[10] [_____] days for contracts less than million] [20
days for contracts million and above] after Government approval of all
of the working as-built drawings for a phase of work, the Contractor shall
prepare the final CADD as-built drawings for that phase of work and submit
two sets of blue-lined prints of these drawings for Government review and
approval. The Government will promptly return one set of prints annotated
with any necessary corrections. Within [[7] [_____] days for contracts
less than million] [10 days for contracts million and above] the
Contractor shall revise the CADD files accordingly at no additional cost
and submit one set of final prints for the completed phase of work to the
Government. Within [[10] [_____] days for contracts less than million]
[20 days for contracts million and above] of substantial completion of
all phases of work, the Contractor shall submit the final as-built drawing
package for the entire project. The submittal shall consist of one set of
electronic files on [3-1/2 inch high density floppy disks (for projects
with electronic digital files or sets of files less than or equal to 4
diskettes)][[8] [4] mm tape cartridge] [R/W optical disk] [compact disc,
read-only memory (CD-ROM)], one set of mylars, two sets of blue-line prints
and one set of the approved working as-built drawings. They shall be
complete in all details and identical in form and function to the contract
drawing files supplied by the Government. Any transactions or adjustments
necessary to accomplish this is the responsibility of the Contractor. The
Government reserves the right to reject any drawing files it deems
incompatible with the customer's CADD system. Paper prints, drawing files
and storage media submitted will become the property of the Government upon
final approval. Failure to submit final as-built drawing files and marked
prints as specified shall be cause for withholding any payment due the
Contractor under this contract. Approval and acceptance of final as-built
drawings shall be accomplished before final payment is made to the
Manually Prepared Drawings
NOTE: Edit this paragraph to specify manually
prepared drawings.
Omit this paragraph if CADD drawings are required
for the project.
Only personnel proficient in the preparation of manually prepared drawings
shall be employed to modify the original contract drawing or prepare
additional new drawings. Additions and corrections to the contract
drawings shall be neat, clean and legible, shall be done to the same level
of detail, and shall match the adjacent existing line work, and lettering
being annotated in type, density, size and style. Drafting work shall be
done using the same medium (pencil, plastic lead or ink) that was employed
on the original contract drawings and with graphite lead on paper base
material. The Contracting Officer will review as-built drawings for
Corrections, changes, additions, and deletions required shall meet these
standards. The title block to be used for any new as-built drawings shall
be similar to that used on the original drawings.
When final revisions have been completed, each drawing shall be
or stamped with the words "RECORD DRAWING AS-BUILT" followed by
the name
of the Contractor in letters at least 5 mm 3/16 inch high.
contract drawings shall be marked either "As-Built" drawings
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