Copies of the accepted plan will be maintained at the [Contracting Officer's
][resident engineer's] office and at the job site.
The APP shall be continuously reviewed and amended, as necessary,
throughout the life of the contract. Unusual or high-hazard activities not
identified in the original APP shall be incorporated in the plan as they
are discovered.
EM 385-1-1 Contents
NOTE: Items a, b, c and e below are for NAVY
projects only.
In addition to the requirements outlines in Appendix A of USACE EM 385-1-1,
the following is required:
a. Names and qualifications (resumes including education, training,
experience and certifications) of all site safety and health personnel
designated to perform work on this project to include the designated
site safety and health officer and other competent and qualified
personnel to be used such as CSPs, CIHs, STSs, CHSTs. The duties of
each position shall be specified.
b. Qualifications of competent and of qualified persons. As a
minimum, competent persons shall be designated and qualifications
submitted for each of the following major areas: excavation;
scaffolding; fall protection; hazardous energy; confined space; health
hazard recognition, evaluation and control of chemical, physical and
include selection, use and maintenance.
c. Confined Space Entry Plan. Develop a confined space entry plan in
accordance with USACE EM 385-1-1, applicable OSHA standards 29 CFR 1910,
29 CFR 1915, and 29 CFR 1926, and any other federal, state and local
regulatory requirements identified in this contract. Identify the
qualified person's name and qualifications, training, and experience.
Delineate the qualified person's authority to direct work stoppage in
the event of hazardous conditions. Include procedure for rescue by
contractor personnel and the coordination with emergency responders.
(If there is no confined space work, include a statement that no
confined space work exists and none will be created.)
d. Crane Critical Lift Plan. Prepare and sign weight handling critical
lift plans for lifts over 75 percent of the capacity of the crane or
hoist (or lifts over 50 percent of the capacity of a barge mounted
mobile crane's hoists) at any radius of lift; lifts involving more than
one crane or hoist; lifts of personnel; and lifts involving non-routine
rigging or operation, sensitive equipment, or unusual safety risks.
The plan shall be submitted 15 calendar days prior to on-site work and
include the requirements of USACE EM 385-1-1, paragraph 16.C.18. and
the following:
For lifts of personnel, the plan shall demonstrate
compliance with the requirements of 29 CFR 1926.550(g).
For barge mounted mobile cranes, barge stability
calculations identifying barge list and trim based on anticipated
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