c. Deficiencies in the submitted APP will be brought to the attention
of the Contractor at the preconstruction conference, and the Contractor
shall revise the plan to correct deficiencies and re-submit it for
acceptance. Work shall not begin until there is an accepted APP.
The functions of a Preconstruction conference may take place at
the Post-Award Kickoff meeting for Design Build Contracts.
Safety Meetings
Shall be conducted and documented as required by EM 385-1-1. Minutes
showing contract title, signatures of attendees and a list of topics
discussed shall be attached to the Contractors' daily [production] [quality
control] report.
The Contractor shall use a qualified person to prepare the written
site-specific APP. Prepare the APP in accordance with the format and
requirements of USACE EM 385-1-1 and as supplemented herein. Cover all
paragraph and subparagraph elements in USACE EM 385-1-1, Appendix A,
"Minimum Basic Outline for Accident Prevention Plan". Specific
requirements for some of the APP elements are described below. The APP
shall be job-specific and shall address any unusual or unique aspects of
the project or activity for which it is written. The APP shall interface
with the Contractor's overall safety and health program. Any portions of
the Contractor's overall safety and health program referenced in the APP
shall be included in the applicable APP element and made site-specific. The
Government considers the Prime Contractor to be the "controlling authority"
for all work site safety and health of the subcontractors. Contractors are
responsible for informing their subcontractors of the safety provisions
under the terms of the contract and the penalties for noncompliance,
coordinating the work to prevent one craft from interfering with or
creating hazardous working conditions for other crafts, and inspecting
subcontractor operations to ensure that accident prevention
responsibilities are being carried out. The APP shall be signed by the
person and firm (senior person) preparing the APP, the Contractor, the
on-site superintendent, the designated site safety and health officer and
any designated CSP and/or CIH.
Submit the APP to the Contracting Officer [15] [_____] calendar days prior
to the date of the preconstruction conference for acceptance. Work cannot
proceed without an accepted APP.
Once accepted by the Contracting Officer, the APP and attachments will be
enforced as part of the contract. Disregarding the provisions of this
contract or the accepted APP will be cause for stopping of work, at the
discretion of the Contracting Officer, until the matter has been rectified.
Once work begins, changes to the accepted APP shall be made with the
knowledge and concurrence of the Contracting Officer, project
superintendent, SSHO and quality control manager. Should any hazard become
evident, stop work in the area, secure the area, and develop a plan to
remove the hazard. Notify the Contracting Officer within 24 hours of
discovery. Eliminate/remove the hazard. In the interim, all necessary
action shall be taken to restore and maintain safe working conditions in
order to safeguard onsite personnel, visitors, the public (as defined by
ANSI/ASSE A10.34,) and the environment.
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