level of qualifications required for the Site Safety
and Health Officer (SSHO) based on the hazards of
the project. Select the appropriate competency level
from those listed below. Guidance for selection of
Level 1 should be selected for small non-hazardous
service or maintenance projects.
Level 2 should be selected for minor construction,
service and maintenance projects. Normally will
have a dollar value of less than 0,000. Sample
projects include: minor re-roofing or window
Level 3 should be selected for small to mid-size
construction projects that have limited hazards with
the potential to cause serious injury/illness.
Normally will have a dollar value of less than
million. Sample projects include: aircraft wash
racks, paving, two story buildings less that 30,000
sq ft or utility modifications.
Level 4 should be selected
for construction projects
that may involve potential
risk to life or cause
serious injury or illness.
Normally will have a
dollar value less than
million. Sample projects
include: buildings greater
than 30,000 sq ft or
large utility projects.
Level 5 should be selected for medium to large
construction projects that may involve potential
risk to life, property or environment. Any dollar
value. Sample projects include: waterfront
improvements, fuel tank projects and tower projects.
Level 6 should be selected for large, complex, and
high hazard construction and service projects, or
any project that requires significant safety and
health leadership, management and oversight
activities. Any dollar value. Sample projects
include: chemical process facilities, complex
hospitals and environmental clean-ups.
When levels 4, 5 or 6 are selected, the specifier
shall also select the required areas of competency
necessary for the project. At least 4 must be
Site Safety and Health Officer (SSHO)
NOTE: When this safety specification allows the use
of the QC person as the SSHO in the following
paragraph, the specification writer shall tailor the
QC specification section 01450N or 01451A to ensure
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